
Thematic text comparison the Proposal for Negotiating Text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement for th...

Daniela MORICH

The 'Proposal for negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement' is used as the basis for comparison using a thematic approach, with a consequent review of the relevant provisions in the 'REVISED Draft of the Negotiating Text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement'. This comparison document includes only the following themes: preamble, use of terms, objectives & principles, human rights, pandemic prevention and surveillance & One Health approach to pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, preparedness, health systems resilience and recovery, preparedness monitoring & functional reviews, research & development, sustainable and geographically diversified production, transfer of technology & know-how, access & benefit sharing, supply chain & logistics, national procurement- and distribution-related provisions, sustainable financing, Conference of the Parties (COP) and reports to the COP.