
Revisiting the challenges and opportunities for emerging powers in a multipolar international s...

Israel Nyaburi NYADERA

What are the challenges and opportunities facing emerging powers in an increasingly complex international system? While existing studies on emerging powers have looked at their potential impact on the international order, fewer studies have focused on the challenges and opportunities that can negatively or positively impact the progress of emerging powers. This study examines the experiences of Türkiye as an emerging power since the turn of the new millennium and uses it to illustrate the potential challenges and opportunities. The authors adopt five pillars which include: 1) domestic political and international ideological pillars; 2) geopolitical pillars; 3) success in international broadcasting; 4) economic pillars; and 5) institutional pillars (regionalism and international cooperation) to assess how emerging powers navigate the complexities that come with such status. Using a case study approach, the authors argue that emerging powers are likely to remain as “emerging” if they do not capitalize on their strengths and/or reduce the negative effectes of threats that come with the being an emerging power. The findings of the study aim to inform policy and open a new front to assess and understand emerging powers.