
From a politics of conviction to a politics of interest? the changing ontologics of youth polit...

Stephen YOUNG

There exists a longstanding association between youth and revolution, partly due to the assumption that the politics of the former are inherently "prefigurative" in nature. Youth politics can often actually be quite conservative, however, as can be observed in contemporary Nicaragua, where rather than attempting to "change the world" in the way that previous militant youth generations were famously associated with, current Sandinista youth activists engage primarily in forms of neo-patrimonial clientelism. At the same time, the evolving experience of everyday political action by university educated youth in Uttar Pradesh, India highlights how economic endeavours can, under certain circumstances, become a form of politics, often of a more transformative variety than classic forms of collective mobilization. The comparison of Nicaragua and India thus highlights the critical importance of considering the wider environment within which youth mobilize and take action in order to understand how and why particular political "ontologics" emerge.