
Invisible households a gendered analysis of single male-headed households in Kyaka II Refugee S...


Single male-headed households (SMHH) have been largely understudied. Within refugee contexts, SMHH are generally overlooked to the point that they are rendered invisible. Based on four weeks of qualitative field research in Kyaka II Refugee Settlement in Kyegegwa District, Uganda as well as an extensive literature review, this dissertation explores the challenges and coping strategies of 27 single fathers (26 Congolese and one Rwandan) living in the refugee settlement. The research methodology included semi-structured interviews with the single fathers, several key informant interviews, extensive observation, and participative photography. Through an interdisciplinary lens, mainly a gender-framework drawing on theories of hegemonic masculinity, several challenges are analyzed including "women’s work"; challenges in raising children, especially adolescent daughters; time poverty; health issues; and poverty. Empirical research findings indicate that local masculinity norms translate into gender-specific challenges for single fathers thus contesting previous research that homogenizes the experiences of all single parents.