Jérôme Duberry


Spoken languages
French, English, Spanish
  • Technology


Dr. Jérôme Duberry is Managing Director of the Tech Hub, Co-Director Ad-Interim, Executive Education, and Senior Researcher at the Albert Hirschman Center on Democracy (AHCD). 

His research explores the societal and geopolitical implications of artificial intelligence (AI). Since 2022, Jérôme has been co-leading a scientific communication project on AI literacy for youth, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). In his book Artificial Intelligence and Democracy, Jérôme explores the mediation of AI in the citizen-government relation and calls for innovative and human-centered AI governance. 

As a visiting professor, Jérôme teaches courses on digital technologies and futures in the MINT program, including "Technologies reshaping the conduct and future of international relations", "Cybersecurity and Virtual Insecurity", "Digital Diplomacy and Power Relations in Cyberspace", and "Futures and strategic foresight: methods and practice" .

Jérôme holds two Master's degrees in International Relations (IHEID) and Diplomacy (Diplomatic School of Madrid, Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and a PhD in International Relations (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona). As part of his interest in innovative forms of participation and collective intelligence, he has been trained in foresight and design thinking facilitation.



Books : 

  • Duberry, J. (2022). Artificial Intelligence and Democracy : Risks and Promises of AI-Mediated Citizen-Government Relations. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 
  • Duberry, J. (2019). Global Environmental Governance in the Information Age: Civil Society Organizations and Digital Media. Abingdon, UK : Routledge.

Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters: 

  • Duberry, J. (2023)."AI and data-driven political communication (re) shaping citizen–government interactions." in: Nah, S. (Ed.).Research Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Communication. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. 231-245.
  • Duberry, J. (2022). Civic tech : opportunités et défis de la participation citoyenne au sein de la société 4.0. In : Paul, E. and Demierre, P. (eds.), Smart à tout prix? Défis de la numérisation au temps de la Covid-19. Lausanne, Switzerland : Fondation Jean Monnet.
  • Duberry, J. (2021). Freedom to think and to hold a political opinion: Digital threats to political participation in liberal democracies. In: Bernard F., and Morin J.H.(eds.), Human rights and cyberspace. Oxford, UK: Harts Publishing. 
  • Barela J. Barela & Duberry J., (2021). Understanding Disinformation Operations in the Twenty-First Century. In: Ohlin J., and Hollis D. (eds.), Combating Election Interference: When Foreign Powers Target Democracies. Oxford University Press. 
  • Duberry, J. (2021). Intelligence artificielle, données volumineuses et conservation de la biodiversité. VertigO-la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement, 21(2).
  • Duberry, J., & Hamidi, S. (2021). Contrasted media frames of AI during the COVID-19 pandemic: a content analysis of US and European newspapers. Online Information Review.
  • Duberry, J. (2021). Utilisation des technologies émergentes par la société civile pour la protection de l’environnement en Europe. In : Sidjanski, D. and Saint-Ouens, F. (eds.). Promoting Europe as a sovereign and democratic power, Geneva: Global Studies Institute. 
  • Bernards, N., Campbell‐Verduyn, M., Rodima‐Taylor, D., Duberry, J., DuPont, Q., Dimmelmeier, A., ... & Reinsberg, B. (2020). Interrogating Technology‐led Experiments in Sustainability Governance. Global Policy, 11(4), 523-531.
  • Duberry, J. (2020). E-participation on the international stage: a web content analysis of 10 international health organisations. International Journal of Electronic Governance, 12(4), 341-366.