
For employers in Geneva wanting to advertise work opportunities with our students: from internships and full-time jobs to volunteer opportunities and small non-career-related jobs.

Reputed for their professionalism, analytic rigour and eagerness to change the world, students and alumni from the Graduate Institute are top tier candidates for companies, international organisations, non-profits and government agencies seeking interns, junior hires and senior level recruits.

By matching private and public sector employers with highly motivated, skilled students, recent graduates or experienced alumni, our goal is to bring together multidisciplinary expertise and knowledge to tackle the challenges of an increasingly complex and interrelated world.

Please note that, if you wish to make a job or internship opportunity exclusively available to students at IHEID, the Career Services can personally assist you in the recruitment process. Please contact us for more information.

Note: If you wish to share a job/internship advertisement with us and it already exists as a page on your organisation's website, you can simple email us the URL to the opportunity (career@graduateinstitute.ch). You don't need to fill out the form below.



The Geneva Graduate Institute has job and internship portal exclusively for our students and alumni. You can submit an opportunity to be posted on our portal. We will review it and upload it as soon as possible.

Small Job Opportunities

IHEID also circulates paid small job opportunities for the students. Small jobs are non-career related jobs, this could include things such as babysitting, dogwalking or restaurant work.


The Applied Research Projects (ARPs) provide partner organisations an opportunity to engage in a policy-relevant research project with our students. ARPs are a key part of our Master in International and Development Studies (MINT) curriculum. They involve small groups of students coming together to conduct applied research with partner organisations on practical issues relating to international relations and development. Students collaborate with partners under the supervision of a faculty team. 

Interested in becoming an ARP partner? Apply now! 

Applications for 2023 - 2024 are open until 19 September 2023.


Interdisciplinary Master in International Affairs

Capstone projects

Our Capstone Projects are applied research seminars that form an integral part of the Master in International Affairs.
Interdisciplinary Master in Development Studies

Capstone projects

Our Capstone Projects are applied research seminars that form an integral part of the Master in Development Studies.

Engage with us

Actively engaged in fundraising campaigns to support the Institute’s development, we have instituted various scholarships, which can bear the name of any outside business, organisation or person.