Tribute to Professor Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou

On 17 September 2024, our colleague and friend Professor Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou passed away, sadly far too soon. Our thoughts are with his wife and three children.

Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamedou passed away on Tuesday 17 September 2024. Deputy Director of the Geneva Graduate Institute, Professor in the Department of International History and Politics, Director of Executive Education and of the Conflict, Peace and Security specialisation in the Institute's interdisciplinary programme, visiting professor at Sciences Po Paris and the University of Saint-Gallen, he left a rich and highly original scientific legacy. A brilliant intellectual, he has advanced the boundaries of research on key issues such as terrorism, political violence, emerging forms of conflict, state-building, democratic transitions and the history of racism. His work earned him the Collège de France Prize in 2017 and the International Studies Association's Global South Distinguished Award in 2021.

Professor Mohamedou earned his doctorate from the City University of New York. Prior to joining the Institute in the early 2010s, Professor Mohamedou was a Research Associate at the Ralph Bunche Institute on the United Nations in New York, Research Director of the International Council on Human Rights Policy and Associate Director of the Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research Programme at Harvard University, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mauritania and Deputy Director of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP).

Professor Mohamedou has left his mark on generations of students and professionals alike. Fondly known as "MMM" by his students, he was a passionate and fascinating teacher, demanding but fair, a Master as we used to say. He took his commitment to teaching very seriously, sharing his time, his deep understanding of historical and contemporary dynamics, his rigour, his intense energy and his humanity.

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Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamedou nous a quitté mardi 17 Septembre 2024. Directeur adjoint de l’IHEID, Professeur ordinaire du département d’Histoire et Politique Internationales, directeur de la Formation Continue et de la spécialisation Conflits, Paix et Sécurité du programme interdisciplinaire del’Institut, professeur invité à Sciences Po Paris, à l’Université de Saint-Gallen, il lègue une production scientifique riche et très originale. Intellectuel brillant, il a poussé les frontières de la recherche sur des enjeux clés comme le terrorisme, la violence politique, les nouvelles formes de conflits, le state-building, les transitions démocratiques et l’histoire du racisme. Ses travaux lui ont valu le Prix du Collège de France en 2017 et le Global South Distinguished Award de l’International Studies Association en 2021.

Le professeur Mohamedou a obtenu son doctorat à la City University de New York. Avant de rejoindre l’Institut au début des années 2010, le professeur Mohamedou avait été chercheur associé à l’Institut Ralph Bunche sur les Nations Unies à New York, directeur de la
recherche du International Council on Human Rights Policy et directeur associé du programme Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research de l’Université d’Harvard, ministre des Affaires étrangères de la Mauritanie et directeur adjoint du Centre de politique de sécurité à Genève (GCSP).

Le professeur Mohamedou a marqué des générations d’étudiant·es mais aussi de professionnel·les. MMM (comme ses étudiant·es l’appelaient avec tendresse) était un enseignant passionné et passionnant, exigeant mais juste, un Maître comme on disait autrefois. Il prenait très au sérieux son engagement pédagogique et partageait sans compter son temps, sa profonde compréhension des dynamiques historiques et contemporaines, sa rigueur, son énergie intense et son humanité.


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Professor Mohamed was, without a doubt, one of the best teachers I had at the Graduate Institute. I am deeply saddened by his departure, but am sure his memory and humanity will stay with us forever. May he rest in peace, and his family and friends find comfort in their loved ones. 

Carlo Carvajal Aguilar, Alumni

J'avais rencontré le Professeur Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou lors d'une université d'été à l'Institut, il animait la semaine consacrée à la sécurité internationale. J'étais alors étudiante en troisième de licence de droit en France et j'avais particulièrement aimé cette expérience. J'ai été très attristée par son décès. Il s'agissait d'un enseignant d'une qualité rare, particulièrement engagé dans son travail et passionné par les disciplines qu'il était amené à traiter. Il aimait beaucoup interagir avec les étudiants et les discussions avec lui, si accessible, étaient toujours très riches. J'ai été ravie de le rencontrer et de bénéficier de son approche des relations internationales et de la lutte contre le terrorisme transnational, même l'espace de quelques jours. 
Toutes mes pensées vont à ses proches et collègues. 

Louise Joseph, Alumni

 All my condolences to the Family, Colleagues and Students of Professor "MMM".
An immensely talented Teacher distilling knowledge and bringing you mind-opening understanding of facts.
We are grateful and shall never forget you. 
Rest in Peace.

Michel Zayet, Alumni


Dear Graduate Institute family and Prof.Ould’s family,

I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of the great Professor Ould. I had the honor of being his student in the spring of 2016 during his class on Understanding Terrorism. Prof. Ould was a towering intellectual figure who seamlessly switched between French and English, always maintaining clear and incisive arguments. He was also kind and generous to me and my peers at the Institute. I will always treasure our conversations outside the classroom and his kind advice of being flexible and practical as I was assessing my next projects. Like Mahatma Gandhi, Prof. Ould’s life is his message.

Throughout my time in the dual-degree program between the Graduate Institute and the Harvard Kennedy School, I cherished the lessons I learned from Prof. Ould—truly one of the finest professors I’ve ever had. His intellectual brilliance was matched only by his kindness and humility.

His legacy will live on through all of us who had the privilege of knowing him. Please accept my heartfelt condolences, on behalf of myself and my family, to the Institute and his beloved family.

Best regards from Washington, DC.
Alejandro Valerio 
Dual Master Alumni, Graduate Institute-Harvard Kennedy School (2015-2017)

Alejandro Valerio, Student

Hommage au Professeur Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou Le Professeur Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou incarnait l’art de l’enseignement. Un moment où l’intellect et l’humanité se rejoignaient pour créer un dialogue riche et profond. Sa capacité à transmettre des concepts complexes, tout en éveillant notre curiosité, était remarquable. Au-delà des faits et des théories, il nous guidait pour comprendre les dynamiques globales avec un regard nuancé et critique. Le Professeur Ould Mohamedou, savait non seulement entendre, mais comprendre ses étudiants. Il valorisait chacun de nos points de vue, créant un espace où nos réflexions prenaient toute leur importance. Par cette écoute attentive, il parvenait à créer une véritable communauté de savoirs et d’échanges, où la bienveillance et la rigueur allaient de pair. La passion qu’il nourrissait pour son domaine était palpable. Il ne s’agissait pas d’un simple engagement académique, mais d’une véritable vocation. À travers ses cours, il nous incitait à dépasser les frontières académiques pour nous interroger sur le sens et l’impact des relations internationales dans la vie des individus et des peuples. Chaque discussion avec lui nous poussait à aller plus loin, à élargir notre champ de vision et à réfléchir aux enjeux éthiques des politiques globales. Plus qu’un enseignant, Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou était un humaniste. Il voyait les relations internationales non seulement à travers les prismes politiques et économiques, mais aussi à travers leur dimension humaine. Il nous rappelait constamment que derrière chaque décision, chaque conflit, chaque traité, se trouvent des vies humaines, des destins individuels. Ce sens profond de l’humanité et de la justice guidait ses réflexions et ses actions, et c’est cette vision du monde qu’il s’efforçait de transmettre à ses étudiants. L’un des plus grands privilèges d’avoir eu Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou comme professeur résidait dans sa riche expérience. Ses années de pratique dans des contextes internationaux réels enrichissaient considérablement ses enseignements. Il apportait des perspectives uniques, façonnées par son travail et ses recherches, donnant à ses étudiants l’opportunité de bénéficier d’un savoir à la fois académique et pratique. Aujourd’hui, sa disparition est une grande perte, non seulement pour l’IHEID, mais pour tous ceux qui ont eu la chance de le connaître, de l’écouter, et d’apprendre à ses côtés. En tant qu’enseignant, mentor et modèle, il a durablement marqué nos esprits. Son engagement intellectuel, son humanisme et son dévouement envers ses étudiants continueront de résonner longtemps après sa disparition. 

Merci, Professeur, pour tout ce que vous nous avez transmis et pour avoir incarné une vision de l’enseignement où l’intelligence et l’humanité se rejoignent. 

Enrico Gallo, Alumni

I met Prof Mohamedou and became familiar his work when I signed up for a programme offered by L’Unité d’arabe de l’Université de Genève examining the Arab Spring in 2012. He gave a lecture entitled "Le Printemps Arabe : De La Révolution Sociale à la Transition Politique" as part of the programme. His lecture discussed the social factors leading to the 'revolutionary moment' and the potential trajectory of the Arab Spring. I remember his lecturer vividly, a full house in one of the nicest classrooms at Uni Bastions. His lecture and its reception among the audience demonstrated his capability to disseminate academic knowledge to a non-academic audience. As an academic today, who has the challenge of 'translating' academic knowledge for broader public, the lecture was one of the rare occasions to observe how to master the 'translation' skill. I am sure his work and contribution to society will be much appreciated, and it is a great loss for the Institute.

M. Kerem Coban, Alumni

C’est avec une immense tristesse que je me permets de rendre hommage au Professeur Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamedou, un enseignant qui a profondément marqué ma vie. Il n’était pas seulement un professeur, un parent, mais aussi un mentor car il m'avait encouragé à l'époque à candidater pour la certification sur la gestion de projets et des politiques de développement, un guide et une source d'inspiration inestimable.

Son engagement, sa passion pour l'enseignement et sa bienveillance resteront gravés dans nos mémoires. Chaque conversation avec lui était une leçon de vie. Il a touché nos cœurs avec sa générosité et son humanité, et je sais que je ne suis pas la seule personne dont il a façonné l'avenir.

Aujourd'hui, même s'il n'est plus parmi nous, son héritage continuera de vivre à travers chacun de ses étudiants, à travers toutes les vies qu'il a touchées. Je suis profondément reconnaissant d'avoir eu la chance de croiser son chemin.

Reposez en paix, Mohamed, et merci pour tout ce que vous nous avez donné. Vous resterez à jamais dans nos pensées et nos cœurs.

FALL Cheikh Mohamed Fadel, Alumni

Getting to know Prof. Mohamedou as a person and as a scholar was one the things I cherish most about me time at IHEID. In addition to his tremendous contribution to scholarship - his work on Al Qaeda and ISIS ranks as canonical - what I will most remember about Mahmoud was his intellectual generosity. He was always willing to offer input and advice to students in a way that was genuinely engaged,  and that felt more collaborative than pedagogical. I am very  fortunate that I had the opportunity to know him, and will always remember him with the greatest fondness. My deepest sympathy to his family, and all those that knew and loved him.

Jonathan Schmitt, Alumni

Professor, you were a marvelous instructor—full of love and wisdom. We miss you deeply, but your principles and the lessons you taught live on in us. We proudly share them with others and future generations. Your impact will never fade.

Tons of love, always!

Hassan Ali Daoud, Student

What a profound sadness to learn today the passing of Professor Mohamedou, a truly exceptional human being, a brilliant mind and inspirational mentor whom I was privileged to work closely with as he co-supervised my Master's thesis. The last time I saw him, we had, as always, a pleasant conversation on collaborative work while sharing a ride as he drove back home. I will remember and remain grateful for his generosity, integrity, exceptional intellectual savviness and above all his passion and commitment for a just, fair and stable society. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
My thoughts and prayers go to his family and all friends mourning his departure.

Damien Somé, Alumni

Le Professeur Mohamed était une source d'inspiration et d'engagement et donc nous perdons une immensité scientifique, difficile à remplacer. Par ces mots, je tiens à présenter mes condoléances émues à sa famille et à l'ensemble de la famille de Genève Graduate Institute. Paix à son âme!

Djomba Mara, Alumni

It is with deep sorrow and immense respect that I pay tribute to Professor Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamedou, whose untimely passing has left an irreplaceable void in the academic and policy world. A visionary thinker and a passionate educator, Mohamedou brought a unique lens to some of the most pressing issues of our time, blending intellectual rigor with a profound sense of humanity.

I had the honor of observing his contributions both as an academic and a leader. His intellectual journey, marked by bold inquiries into terrorism, political violence, and the intricacies of state-building, was never confined by the conventional boundaries of his discipline. Mohamedou consistently challenged the status quo, offering insights that were not only academically robust but also deeply relevant to real-world policy contexts. His work stood out for its ability to shed light on emerging global challenges, while remaining firmly rooted in a commitment to justice and equity.

As a member of the oversight body, I was fortunate to witness his professionalism and dedication up close. His enthusiasm was palpable and contagious—he approached every issue with energy and a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of knowledge. He was an advocate for nuanced understanding, pushing us to go beyond surface-level analysis and embrace complexity, even when it meant wrestling with uncomfortable truths.

Mohamedou’s role as a mentor to countless students and young professionals will remain one of his greatest legacies. He did not just teach; he inspired. He opened minds to new perspectives and instilled in his students a relentless drive to explore and question. Despite the accolades and recognition he received globally, he remained approachable and generous with his time, always ready to engage in meaningful discussions and share his insights.

For those of us who admired his work and had the privilege of collaborating with him, Mohamedou will always be remembered as a brilliant and compassionate force—someone who dedicated his life to elevating the discourse on critical issues while staying true to his principles. His legacy will continue to guide us, urging us to pursue truth with courage and integrity.

May he rest in peace, and may his contributions continue to inspire future generations.

Carlos Lopes, former member of Conseil de Fondation

Professor Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou was a true inspiration for me as a graduate student. His classes were inspiring and challenging. His wit and knowledge were evident, but also his kindness and generosity. I won’t forget the valuable lessons and advices Prof Mohamedou shared as my thesis supervisor. I extend my heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. 

José Joaquim Costa Filho, Alumni

In honor of your legacy and the profound impact you had on your students. Professor Mohamed Mohamedou stood out as a beacon of integrity. He embodied the values of honesty, humility, and empathy. He showed that being great wasn’t about status or titles but about how you treat people. He listened with empathy, spoke with care and humility, and acted with fairness. To his students, he was a shining example of what it means to live a meaningful life with purpose and kindness.
It aches my heart that you left our world so soon.


Professor Mohamedou was my favorite at HEI. He inspired me, challenged my thinking all while encouraging me to pursue my interests. He was unique.

Chiara Trincia, Alumni

C'est une triste nouvelle. Toutes mes condoléances à la famille du Professeur. Repose en paix.

KABORE Bouraima, Alumni

State and War class, first class of my two-year programme in Conflict, Peace, and Security. The first list of mandatory readings comprised the classic realist approaches to the study of war. As a first-year Master student aiming to explore critical perspectives on the nexus between warfare and statebuilding, the class initially seemed promising. However, the first readings served as a reminder of the dominance of hegemonic theories in the field.
Yet, once Professor Mohamedou began teaching, the surprise—and I believe many of my fellow students felt the same—was enormous. MMM began to deconstruct, challenge, and problematize each of the main arguments he had assigned as mandatory readings. By the middle of the first class, I understood what he was doing and realized that this was a course I was going to thoroughly enjoy.
I first met Professor Mohamedou in the Fall Semester of 2022. Although our time together was brief, his class became a core component of my journey as a MINT-CPS student at the Geneva Graduate Institute. His willingness to share his knowledge, coupled with his openness to meet with numerous students during office hours, reflected not just the kind of professor he was, but the kind of person he was. After my first office hour meeting, I was struck by how attentively he listened to my ideas, carefully considering, debating, and suggesting comments on each one of them. I wish I had had more time with Professor Mohamedou, but his extraordinary body of work ensures that future students, like myself, will continue to learn and engage with his generous intellect. His work places me in a position of deep intellectual and human reflection.
To his wife, children, family, and friends, I extend my deepest sense of solidarity.

Manuel Zarate-Ospina, Alumni

My heartfelt condolences 

Girish Kumar, Alumni

Une grande perte. Je suis profondément triste. Un collègue amical, intelligent, populaire, compétent. Je suis heureux d'avoir partagé ces quelques moments avec lui. 

Marc Hufty, a colleague

J'ai été très triste d'apprendre le décès de Mahmoud. Je le savais malade mais je ne pensais pas que son état était aussi grave. Je lui avait d'ailleurs envoyé mes remerciements pour le gentil message qu'il m'avait encore fait parvenir à l'occasion du décès de mon épouse fin juin en lui souhaitant que sa santé se rétablisse. Cela n'a hélas pas été le cas.

Comme en témoignent tous ceux qui ont eu la chance de le côtoyer, Mahmoud était non seulement un remarquable intellectuel mais une très belle personne humaine. Je l'ai connu à l'époque déjà lointaine où il était le directeur de la recherche du International Council on Human Rights Policy entre 1998 et 2004, alors que j'étais moi même le directeur de l'IUED et où nous avions commencé à jeter les bases d'une collaboration scientifique. J'avais tout de suite été impressionné par ses vastes connaissances, la qualité de ses analyses et par sa profonde humanité. J'ai donc totalement soutenu le précédent directeur de l'IHEID, Philippe Burrin, quand il a eu la clairvoyance de s'attacher ses services comme Visiting Professor dès 2010 puis de le faire nommer Professeur adjoint en 2014 et à part entière en 2017. Pendant près de 25 ans, nous avons donc gardé une relation amicale et d'estime mutuelle qui ne s'est jamais démentie. Je n'oublie en particulier pas que c'est lui qui m'a encouragé avec insistance en mai 2019 à reprendre la rédaction de mon dernier ouvrage sur l'Indonésie publié en juin 2021 que j'avais laissé en plan depuis 2016 du fait de la maladie de mon épouse, ce dont je l'ai vivement remercié dans la postface. Sa disparition est une perte immense pour l'Institut dont il a largement contribué à promouvoir la réputation par ses enseignements et ses publications mais aussi par l'immense travail institutionnel qu'il a accompli pour en améliorer le fonctionnement.

Étant moi même dans le deuil, je n'ai guère de mal à imaginer combien la perte de Mahmoud doit être immense pour son épouse et ses enfants auxquels je présente mes plus sincères condoléances et transmet ma profonde solidarité. 

Jean-Luc Maurer, a colleague

De toutes mes rencontres à l’IHEID, de tous les enseignant-es, aucune personne ne m’a aussi profondément marquée que le prof. Mohamedou. Bien sûr, ses cours étaient brillants, il savait transmettre sa connaissance et sa compréhension hors du commun de phénomènes transnationaux complexes de manière accessible, claire et passionnante, il m’a ouvert les yeux sur bien des réalités. Toutefois, autre chose encore le rendait si exceptionnel: la bienveillance et l’attention qu’il avait pour chaque personne, sans la moindre exception. Je l’ai croisé bien des fois dans les couloirs de l’institut, jamais il n’a manqué de me saluer par mon prénom. Son grand cœur, son élégance, son intégrité rayonnaient autour de lui d’une manière que l’on ne saurait oublier. Il était un phare et un véritable exemple pour tant de gens autour de lui, je garde précieusement son souvenir. 
Toutes mes pensées et prières vont à sa famille, à ses amis et à l’institut. 

Clara, Alumni

J'ai connu le professeur Mohamedou comme journaliste, et il fut pour moi un interlocuteur précieux pour comprendre la nébuleuse djihadiste internationale. Il me laissera le souvenir d'un interlocuteur à la fois aimable, compétent voire "pointu", mais toujours disponible. Des vertus qu'il n'est pas si fréquent de trouver ainsi concentrées en un seul individu. 

Sylvain Besson, Alumni

Friday, 1 October 2016 was the last day of Module 1 of "International Negotiations and Policy-Making" program. That sunny morning Professor Mahmoud Mohamedou presented us his lecture "Hot Issues on the Global Agenda: Governance Challenges, Security, and a Changing World". It was truly memorable moment that I recall as if it were last week.

His teaching took just half a day, but it saved me months and years of developing a proper understanding of contemporary International Security. His world-class academic research was solidified by his rich experience of a practitioner, former Foreign Minister of his home country. The learnings were credible,  comprehensive, and well thought. Eventually his outstanding teaching style was highly valued by many of us, participants of the flagship executive education program.

As a brilliant in the crown of professorship, Professor Mahmoud Mohamedou not only had became a key part of IHEID's identity for me, but also made remarkable contribution to education of my INP class of 2017 as well as to education of thousands of other students at the Geneva Graduate Institute.

Sandzhar Tazhibaev, Alumni

Sincères condoléances, André Baer - Versoix

André Baer, Alumni

Professor MMM’s classes are one of the best memories of my Master studies, and I took his course a long time ago (2012!). Besides being an awesome professor, he was extremely kind and friendly. We could feel how much he cared, and how much thought he put in every class. His brilliant mind and indefectible smile will be surely missed. 

Ana Carolina Pekny, Alumni

Prof. Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou m’a ouvert la porte de parler et réfléchir systématiquement sur le racisme. Dans sa classe sur l’histoire du racisme, il nous a montré les manifestations profondes et diverses du racisme dans notre société globale. Chaque semaine, j’étais impressionné par ses vastes connaissances et ses analyses nuancées. Je me souviendrai toujours de lui comme d'un personnage sophistiqué, instructif et inspirant.


Su huella académica perdurará para siempre...

Vladimir Aguilar, Alumni

Cher professeur Mohamed Mahmoud vous allez beaucoup nous manquer.  J'ai énormément apprécié vos cours. J'en garderai pour toujours un excellent souvenir. 

Christophe Maret, Alumni

Être fidèle à ceux qui sont morts
Ce n’est pas s’enfermer dans la douleur.
Il faut continuer de creuser son sillon, droit et profond.
Comme ils l’auraient fait eux-mêmes.
Comme on l’aurait fait avec eux, pour eux.
Être fidèle à ceux qui sont morts, c’est vivre comme ils auraient vécu.
Et les faire vivre avec nous.
Et transmettre leur visage, leur voix, leur message, aux autres.
À un Professeur, à des inconnus, aux autres, quels qu’ils soient.
Et la vie tronquée des disparus, alors, germera sans fin.
Merci d'avoir illuminer notre institut.

A colleague

Thank you Mahmoud for being an example to all of us - Students and Staff. You made the Institute a better place.

A colleague

Cher Mahmoud, je me rappellerais toujours de toi, fin 2004, en train de nous dire 'bien sûr' pour traduire un de tes premiers textes sur al-Qaida en français et le publier dans notre modeste revue suisse "A contrario". Ton regard critique m'accompagnera pour toujours.

Daniel Meier, a colleague

Mahmoudy was not just a long-standing friend and colleague. He was a man of integrity and a strong sense of justice, who lived his convictions in the classroom, in the public arena, and with his colleagues. I benefited hugely from his support and advice, as well as his openness to discussion and his clarity of vision. His wife and children -- wonderful, successful and strong -- are in my thoughts, as they carry forward his values into the world. I miss him.

Keith Krause, a colleague

My deep condolences to the family for the loss of Professor Mohamedou, may the Lord console and protect his wife and children left behind. 

Mark Johnson, Alumni

I am deeply saddened to hear the passing of a visionary scholar and teacher Professor Ould Mohamadou. Miles away from Geneva, my tribute to the departed soul, a luminary in the academic world. His groundbreaking contributions to Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research for Peace inspired generations of scholars. His legacy will continue to illuminate the path of knowledge, and the academic distinctiveness of the Geneva Graduate Institute with intercultural diversity and excellence that are ahead of time. His absence will create a void in many spheres. Our thoughts and prayers for the bereaved family, grieving colleagues, students, alumnae and the academic fraternity to overcome the loss. Our Heartfelt condolences. 

Sampada Dash, Alumni

Before I ever sat under your tutelage, I had heard so much about you that I was so excited when the day finally came that I would be in your class, and you didn't disappoint. You were an amazing man and mind and will be sorely missed, Prof. I am really privileged that I got to experience your mind at work. You are one lecturer who greatly impacted me and my life. You will certainly be missed. My deepest condolences to your family, friends and loved ones you leave behind.

Meyiwa Ede, Alumni

Je remercie le professeur Mohamedou pour ses conseils et son accompagnement durant mon cursus à l’Institut. Sa gentillesse et la justesse de ses conseils frappaient ceux qui interagissaient avec lui. Sa disponibilité et sa bienveillance ont été déterminantes dans mon parcours étudiant et je lui suis reconnaissant d’avoir pris le temps de me guider durant mes deux années à l’Institut. Avec ces pensées et des souvenirs de conversations avec lui, j’adresse mes condoléances les plus sincères à ses proches. 

Charles Bonfils-Duclos, Alumni

J'ai eu l'occasion de rencontrer Mahmoud dans le cadre de mes activités d'assistant en relations extérieures au début de ma carrière au Centre de Politique de Sécurité de Genève. Je me souviens d'un professeur fascinant, passionné et passionnant, et si facile d'accès. Son humilité et sa gentillesse, la brillance de son esprit, son expertise sur des sujets complexes demandant beaucoup de finesse d'analyse et de modération, loin des biais idéologiques marqués par les écoles de pensée des relations internationales, sont certaines de ses nombreuses qualités que je regrette tristement suite à son départ soudain. Mes plus sincères condoléances vont à sa famille, ainsi qu'à tous ceux qui ont pu partagé sa vision humaniste des relations internationales.

Gregory Coudrier, a colleague

Prof. Mohamed is a great professor, though we only work together for one week. He is thoughtful and knowledgeable in his research areas of research studies. Rest in Peace. 

Dingyi He, Alumni 

I often wonder how it feels to live after receiving the devastating news of a disease—the daily struggle, knowing that time is slipping away. In those moments, I imagine one thinks only of what truly matters—relationships, kindness, spending as much time as possible with loved ones, and completing life's most important projects

Mahmoud has always stood out for his humanity, kindness, attentiveness, and simplicity—leaving lasting marks on the lives of others, mine included. He will continue to live in our memories and imagined conversations, for he has planted countless seeds that will continue to grow

Oksana Myshlovska, a colleague

Mahmoud's passing is a huge loss for the Institute and for all his colleagues.  He had an uncommon and extraordinary combination of professional and personal qualities that made him very special.  He was a great scholar, committed to his mission as a teacher and a riveting speaker, but most importantly he was a lovely human being, always ready to greet and talk to his colleagues in a very warm and personal way.  I enjoyed every interaction I had with him and will carry these memories with me.  

Gian Luca Burci, a colleague

I feel I was not only lucky but blessed to have had the opportunity of being a student of Professor Mahmoud. Personally, I have vivid memories of him as a caring man who understood my situation and helped me in many ways to complete my studies. I remember him also as a witty man with a disarming smile when meets with his students.

As a professor, he was an incredibly brilliant professor- a rare breed so to speak. His erudition evident in depth and vastness of his knowledge across disciplines, level of articulation and his passion for teaching was simply mesmerizing. He had all that it takes to be a professor that touches the lives of many students. He was also a professor who took it to his heart, that learning is a two-way process. He was always a keen listener of his students, even when our comments and opinions had little in substance. His bold and daring approach to interrogate conventional wisdom on many issues ranging from terrorism, state building, politics and international history is incredible. His untimely passing is a monumental loss to the Graduate Institute and the world of academia.  

May God give his family the comfort and fortitude as they pass through this difficult time. Rest in power Prof! your memories will live with us.

Samuel Alemayehu, Alumni

Professor Mohamedou was an incredible scholar, professor and person. In addition to his long list of professional and personal accomplishments, he will be warmly remembered for his kind disposition and strong leadership. The IHEID community will miss him very much. My thoughts are with his family and loved ones. 

Candice White, Alumni

Mes sincères condoléances à la famille et aux proches de ce grand Monsieur. Je garde souvenir d'un homme empathique, élégant et doté d'un esprit brillant. Certainement un des meilleurs enseignants que j'ai eus. À travers son œuvre, Le Professeur Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamedou a ouvert de nouvelles perspectives et enrichi notre lecture du monde qui nous entoure. Paix à son âme.

Slavisa Ivic, Alumni

What an amazing professional and great person he was, can’t find words to express my sorrow. In my entire life he was the only teacher whose sessions I don’t wanted to end…  RIP dear professor 

Ekaterine Kakulia, Alumni

Professor Mohamedou was one of the most inspiring professors I ever had the honour of being taught and supervised by. He was an inspiring mentor that always pushed his students to think outside the box and go beyond the boundaries traditionally set by those before him. I am so deeply sorry for his family's tragic loss, and will remember him fondly. My sincerest condolences.

Roberta Maggi, Alumni

J'ai contacté Mahmoud six jours seulement avant son décès prématuré et, malgré tout, il a trouvé le temps de me répondre, ce qui témoigne de son dévouement inébranlable à la communauté de l'Institut.
Je suis profondément reconnaissant à Mahmoud, en particulier pour les conseils qu'il a prodigués à ses collègues au début de leur carrière. Son soutien s'étendait même à ceux qui, comme moi, ne faisaient pas partie de son département.
Mahmoud possédait une vision remarquable tant pour son département que pour l'institut. Bien qu'il soit impossible d'avoir une vision qui satisfasse tout le monde, il a poursuivi la sienne avec un engagement inébranlable. Ce faisant, il n'a jamais cherché à se placer au centre, privilégiant l'intérêt général. Cet altruisme a fait de lui un véritable modèle, et c'est une leçon que je retiendrai dans ma propre carrière.
Mes plus sincères condoléances.

Lore, a colleague

C’est avec une grande tristesse que j’ai appris du décès du professeur Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou. Un collègue très engagé dans la cité qu’il a choisi de faire la sienne, très dévoué à ses étudiants, aux collègues et à l’Institut, il n’y a pas si longtemps que nous avons été très reconnaissant de son implication en tant qu’intervenant multiple lors des Journées suisses d’histoire à l’UNIGE. Sa passion pour élargir et partager des savoirs a toujours illuminé l’audience, on se sentait tellement enrichi de nouvelles perspectives après l’avoir entendu. J’ai un souvenir chaleureux de sa personnalité combinant la rigueur intellectuelle avec une ouverture d’esprit et une cordialité exemplaire. Il va nous manquer sincèrement.
Mes pensées vont à son épouse, ses trois enfants, ses proches.

Matthias Schulz, Professeur d'histoire des relations internationales, UNIGE

It is with deep sadness and great emotion that I learnt of the passing of Professor Mohamedou. My thoughts are with his family, loved ones, colleagues, and former students.

He was one of the main reasons I decided to go back to university and study at the Geneva Graduate Institute in 2018.

I still remember how difficult it was to register to his classes, given how popular his teaching was. And yet, he would do his best to accomodate everyone and make each and every single of his students feel special and motivated.

He has been such a big source of motivation and inspiration for my academic and professional journey.

I will miss him terribly and will never forget his seminars, his support as the first reader of my dissertation and the hours we spent together discussing ways to better apprehend and analyse the global history of the 21st century.

Those conversations in his office were so precious and special. Not only because many students would book all of his contact hours. But also because, despite his encyclopedic knowledge of international history and politics, he would exchange with you as if you were his peer and with a unique sense of humanity. He was indeed, as a friend of mine told me : “a great mind and, beyond that, a kind soul”.

His generousity, intellect, politics, elegance, critical mind, pedagogy, kindness, humility (despite his many achievements), leadership and passion have influenced and shaped me - and generations of students - both as a student, a professionnal and a human being. And for that I am forever grateful.

Geneva and the international community have lost a unique scholar and more importantly un homme juste.

May he rest in peace and may his scholarship and memory inspire us all to become stronger, kinder, wiser and to serve this world better.

David Rochat, Alumni

It is with deep sadness and great emotion that I learnt of the passing of Professor Mohamedou. My thoughts are It is with sadness that I learned about the passing away of Mahmoud. He was a central figure at the Institute, and my deepest sympathy goes to his family in this difficult moment.

Cedric Tille, a colleague

Mahmoud was a brilliant mind, a great scholar, an engaging and inspiring mentor for his students, and above all an exceptional human being. It is difficult to express what this loss represents for the Geneva Graduate Institute and its entire community. I only met him four years ago but we became friends right away - a friendship of the most solid and sincere kind. I could count on him like he could count on me. I miss him terribly and his memory will not fade.

Marie-Laure Salles, Director of the Geneva Graduate Institute

"I will admit that writing this message took much longer than I expected; I struggled to find the right words for quite some time.

This challenge stemmed from the sheer difficulty of processing the fact that Professor Mohamedou had just passed away.

Professor, the impact you have had on my journey as a student of International Relations, as well as on my growth as a human being, is so profound that it is difficult for me to fully express it in single message.

That said, I am eternally thankful for the privilege of being taught by you at the Geneva Graduate Institute before your departure from this world.

I will always cherish that look of surprise and joy I saw on your face when I asked you to sign my copy of your ‘A Theory of ISIS’, along with the heartfelt inscription you left for me.

As I continue my adventure and move closer towards the world of international affairs, I will continue to honour your memory and use it as a reminder that rather than needing more people like you, we need to start being more like you.

Goodbye, Professor. It has been a true honour.

Tommaso Savelli, Student

N'ayant jamais travaillé avec le Prof. Mohamedou, je dois me limiter à nos brefs échanges dans les corridors de son travail. Cependant, son départ évoque pour moi les vers suivant de Birago Diop:

""Ecoute plus souvent
Les Choses que les Etres
La Voix du Feu s’entend,
Entends la Voix de l’Eau.
Ecoute dans le Vent Le Buisson en sanglots :
C’est le Souffle des ancêtres.

Ceux qui sont morts ne sont jamais partis :
Ils sont dans l’Ombre qui s’éclaire
Et dans l’ombre qui s’épaissit.
Les Morts ne sont pas sous la Terre :
Ils sont dans l’Arbre qui frémit,
Ils sont dans le Bois qui gémit,
Ils sont dans l’Eau qui coule,
Ils sont dans l’Eau qui dort,
Ils sont dans la Case, ils sont dans la Foule :
Les Morts ne sont pas morts""

Birago Diop, ""Le souffles""

Mes condoléances et mes pensées sont avec sa famille et ses proches lors de ce moment difficile.

Nikhil Ray, a colleague

He gave himself fully to his students and the Institute, which embraced him back. I still remember how hard it was to get into his class, even if you only wished to audit it. He was also very generous with his time, answering every after-class question students (often many) might have. Even after years of attending one of his classes, he would still remember my name and make sure to talk to me every time we met—be it in the Institute’s corridors or when crossing Avenue de France. We will miss him dearly.

Rodolfo Ribeiro, a student

Prof. Mohamedou has gone too soon. I did not have the privilege to attend any of his courses, but I was fortunate enough to attend some of his public lectures and listen to him speaking. We could not replace his integrity and critical thinking, and these outstanding qualities will be sorely missed at the Institute. My deepest condolences to his entire family and people of Mauritania. He was a global treasure, particularly Global South. Rest in peace, Professor.

Samuel Pablo Pareira, an Alumni

It is very hard to put in words what the Professor meant to me. He knew me for such a short period in his vast and great life, that I doubt he could remember me. But I can not say  the same, the impact Professor Mohamedou left in my life in such short period is compared to none. He was a visionary, an example to many of us Africans and POCs. He showed us what could be possible, what could be achieved. He showed us what it meant to operate at the highest of standards and still be a generally great person. For the time we all got to know him, I’m sure everyone can attest that it is a memory that can not be forgotten. I pray for his family and loved ones he has left behind. I pray for peace and comfort for them all. I pray for his soul to rest in eternal peace. Professor you have left a mark in the lives of your students, your colleagues, and in your field of work, you will be dearly missed. Thank you MMM for being you. 

Victoria Nwuche, an Alumni

Professor Mohamedou was the first person I was a TA for. I worked for him for three semesters where each time I had the pleasure of witnessing how he would elevate all his students with his thought provoking teaching style. What many don't always appreciate is the fact that he was far more than just a good professor. He was a symbol who by the virtue of his career became an enduring voice of the global south and especially MENA and Africa. When students talk about decolonising the syllabus, it's voices like his we sought out. He had the ability to provoke, resonate, and inspire all his students and I was lucky enough to have a first row seat to this multiple times. In my academic career, he's perhaps the only person who had this combination and to top it off, was an incredibly captivating speaker. The fact that he was kind, graceful, never made you feel you didn't know enough, and immensely helpful was an added bonus. May the tribe of men like him always grow. The institute, and the world needs it. 

Abhilash Prasann, a student

Professor Mohamedou was my PhD thesis director. With my thesis starting in 2016, I was perhaps one of the first students for whom he was the main director. I have also attended his classes. It is difficult to overstate the immense influence Professor Mohamedou has had on my personal intellectual growth and on my academic career. I still vividly remember his characteristic voice as he taught in English at the Institute, always perfectly dressed, or shared advice with me in French at his office. I now sometimes have the impression that I can still hear his voice in my head as I have come to teach one of his former classes myself. I will keep the memory of a man who always had so many projects and who was so full of ideas and, yet, was already open for me to pass by his office with a question or a request for yet another recommendation letter. I and other former students will not forget him. May he rest in peace.

Vassily Klimentov, a student

Le prof. Mohamedou était un visionnaire. Il arrivait à faire bouger les lignes par son dynamisme et son exigence, mais tout d’abord avec lui-même. Il donnait tout son sens à la mission de l’Institut et du sens à notre travail à l’Institut. Je garde le souvenir d’une personnalité tellement charismatique et tellement présente, jusqu’au bout. Quelle perte pour l’Institut ! Mes sincères condoléances à son épouse et à ses enfants. 

Sophie Fleury, a colleague

A great loss but a greater legacy. Words fall short in describing the deceased and so we are fortunate here to have created our own memories during his lifetime.

Max Crisp, Alumni

Prof. MMM was undeniably a brilliant thought leader and intellectual, but what truly left an impact on me was his kindness, openness, and genuine humanity. As a former student, I always felt that his classroom and office were safe spaces where I could test ideas and ask even the most unconventional or seemingly ‘ridiculous’ questions while feeling welcomed with patience and respect. He had a way of making everyone feel valued and heard. We meet smart people everywhere - but rarely ones that are also about being humble, approachable, and real. His warmth and wisdom will be profoundly missed by all who had the privilege of knowing him.

Patricia Paramita, Alumni

A Personal Tribute to Professor Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou With a heavy heart, I mourn the passing of our beloved Professor Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, who left us on September 17, 2024. His passing is not just a loss to the academic world but a profound personal loss for me and countless others touched by his wisdom, kindness, courage, and unwavering commitment to justice. Professor Mohamedou was more than an esteemed scholar and a relentless advocate for decolonization; he was the beacon that illuminated my path and the path for so many people. It was because of him that I chose to pursue a PhD in International History and Politics. His belief in me was the catalyst that transformed uncertainty into purpose. I still remember when he told me, "Look, Alexa, they may never like you, but the question is, can you get them to like your ideas? That is the focus you should always have... not whether you can get someone to like you." Those words became my mantra, empowering me to navigate spaces that often felt unwelcoming, and to focus on the transformative power of ideas over a fleeting desire for approval. His mentorship was a radical act of empowerment. He challenged me to question the status quo, to dismantle oppressive structures, and to never shy away from uncomfortable truths. His teachings were not confined to the pages of his seminal works on political violence and decolonization; they lived in his actions, his guidance, and his relentless pursuit of a more equitable world. Professor Mohamedou's radically kind spirit was infectious. He taught me that true change does not come from seeking acceptance within existing systems but from persistently challenging and reshaping, often through acts of firm kindness in unwelcoming spaces. His insights pierced through the veils of complacency, urging all who crossed his path to join the struggle against injustice and inequality. As I continue my academic journey, his legacy fuels my resolve. I am committed to carrying forward his mission—to amplify marginalized voices, to confront imperialist narratives, and to forge pathways toward genuine liberation. His belief in the power of ideas over popularity is a lesson that resonates now more than ever in a world desperate for authentic change. Rest in power, Professor Mohamedou. Your life was a testament to the profound impact one individual can have in igniting the fires of resistance and hope. You may have left this world, but your spirit lives on in each of us who continue the fight for a just and decolonized world. With deepest respect and eternal gratitude, Alexa 

Alexa Burk, a student

I would like to express my deepest respect for Professor Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, whom I had the honour to meet during the International Affairs 2024 Summer Programme at the Graduate Institute in Geneva. His lectures were not only a source of knowledge, but also of true inspiration. With his exceptional clarity and passion, he left an indelible mark on us all. It was a privilege to learn from him, and his legacy as a Professor and a human being will live on in all those he touched through his teaching. 

Nelson Silva Betancourt, Alumni

Unfortunately, I could not take any classes with Prof Mohamedou but he was super helpful and active in finding a supervisor for my thesis. Even when he was not well he cared for the students and helped them in whatever capacity he could.

Sanket Bhokre, a student

Mahmoud told me once that he didn't like the word "mentor": he thought it implied hierarchy, whereas he saw (and treated) us all as equals. Of course, that's exactly what made him such a good mentor, teacher, scholar, and human. Eternally grateful for all the years we benefited from his wisdom, care, and energy.

Nicole Bourbonnais, a colleague

I was deeply shocked and saddened to read the news of Professor Mohamedou's passing. I had the opportunity to be his teaching assistant, which was a notably positive experience for me. I also interacted with him on several occasions as a student in the International History Department and through casual conversations facilitated by the proximity of my TA desk to his office. What a loss! I am tempted to say. But I must also say what a gift his life was to humanity and to the Geneva Graduate Institute! My heartfelt condolences to his family and to all who loved him. 

Ayode Daniel Dossou, a student

Mahmoud était un intellectuel brillant et original, un chercheur rigoureux et passionné, un enseignant apprécié de tous ses étudiants et un collègue bienveillant et attentionné. Son charisme et son aura m'ont toujours impressionné. Quand il entrait dans une pièce, on savait qui il était là et on attendait avec impatience qu'il nous parle. J'ai particulièrement apprécié de travailler avec lui pour sa compétence, sa gentillesse et sa courtoisie. Il savait toujours nous mettre à l'aise, nous faire sentir important et nous faire profiter de son expérience et de ses conseils avisés. 

a colleague

Thank you for being one of the best professors I ever had

Thaís Lacerda Queiroz Carvalho, Alumni

Emérite Professeur, reposez en paix. Force et courage aux membres de l'Institut et à sa famille biologique.


My deepest condolences go to Professor Mohamedou's family and friends. I had the distinct pleasure of taking a history class with him during my time at IHEID. Within just a few moments of him commencing his first lecture of the semester, I realized I was in the presence of someone who was very much steeped in the tradition of the philosopher-statesmen. But, above his immense breadth of knowledge in history and in the arts, what I will remember most was his consistent enthusiasm and passion for teaching. He was always happy to engage his students in lively discussions, a remarkable quality that made him an exceptional mentor. I will greatly cherish the wisdom he imparted in his classes, and I rest assured knowing that his positive legacy will live on in his field and among those who had the privilege and honour of being his students. He will be greatly missed by us all.

Francis Shin, Alumni 

It is with tremendous sorrow to learn the sad news of Prof. Mohamedou, whose class I was willing to just listen in without being formally registered during my fourth and last semester at the IHEID. I absolutely admired his passion and insight to the subjects and still miss it- definitely one of a kind that outstood in my learning journey. I am deeply sadden by the loss of him- a real inspiration to the academic and wider community. May he rest in peace and may his legacy guide us further to make this world a better place.

Anqi Zhang, Alumni