International Law
20 December 2018

IHEID PhD student awarded the René Cassin Thesis Prize

PhD student Alessandra la Vaccara wins the René Cassin Prize.

Alessandra la Vaccara, who completed her PhD in International Law at the Graduate Institute in 2017, was awarded the René Cassin Thesis Prize in Strasbourg, France for her thesis entitled ‘When the conflict ends, while uncertainty continues: accounting for missing persons between war and peace in international law’. The prize was presented by the President of the Foundation and former President of the ECtHR, Mr Jean-Paul Costa, on Monday, the 2nd of July.

Alessandra la Vaccara awarded the René Cassin Thesis Prize
Studying International Law at the Graduate Institute

The Jury who agreed unanimously on the award recipient was chaired by Prof. Monica Pinto (University of Buenos Aires Law School) and composed of Prof. Malcom Evans (University of Bristol) and Prof. Elizabeth Salmon Garate (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru School of Law and Director of the Democracy and Human Rights Institute of the same University).

Due to Alessandra's exceptional work, she was also offered the possibility of publishing her doctoral thesis with Pedone Editions in the Collection of the Publications of the International Institute of Human Rights.