International Relations/Political Science
01 November 2018

David Sylvan: The U.S. Midterm Elections: is Democracy at Stake?

On 30 October, David Sylvan, Professor of International Relations/Political Science and Director of Research, gave a Lunch Briefing that looked at the upcoming U.S. midterm elections in a global and historical context.

On 30 October, David Sylvan, Professor of International Relations/Political Science and Director of Research, gave a Lunch Briefing that looked at the upcoming U.S. midterm elections in a global and historical context. Large-scale democracy was for many decades buttressed by republicanism; but in recent years, large-scale democracy has contributed to undermining republican institutions, in the United States and in a growing number of other democracies. Given the role of the U.S., the upcoming midterm elections there will have important consequences for the survival of republics, both in the U.S. itself and around the world. Much therefore depends on whether, as polls indicate, the Democrats win control of the House of Representatives.

Watch the video to learn more.  

David Sylvan | The U.S. Midterm Elections: is Democracy at Stake?