All submissions for the Geneva Challenge must include an abstract and a description of the project, all of which is to be submitted in a joint PDF by 16 July 2025. The abstract should be one page long and include short biographies of each team member, a brief description of the problem addressed by the project and a solution, specifying how the proposed solution will make a difference.
The submission must have a maximum length of 8000 words, excluding all notes, graphics, and references. You can write your proposal either in English or French.
Entries have to be original. For more information on what this means, as well as our regulations on the use of AI, have a look at the rules and regulations of the contest.
When evaluating the written proposals, the Academic Steering Committee and Jury will be looking for the following:
- The relevance of the research question proposed by the team (i.e. to what extent the proposal identifies a real-world problem)
- Analytical rigour and a critical appeoach
- The practicability of the solution(s) proposed by the team
- The originality of the project
- The outreach of the solution.
To get some inspiration and a better insight into how to structure your projects, we recommend that you have a look at the previous editions' winning projects.
Last editions