PhD University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Ravi Bhavnani is Professor of International Relations / Political Science at the Graduate Institute, Geneva. Bhavnani's research explores the micro-foundations of violence by means of agent-based computational modelling and disaggregated empirical analysis. More specifically, his work examines the endogenous relationships among: (i) the characteristics, beliefs, and interests of relevant actors; (ii) social mechanisms and emergent social structures that shape attitudes, decision-making and behavior; and (iii) patterns of violence. His articles appear in the American Journal of Political Science, Comparative Politics, Conflict Management & Peace Science, Complexity, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Politics, and Nationalism & Ethnic Politics, among others.
- Armed conflicts, violence
- Terrorism & crime
- Urban & rural worlds
- Burundi
- Kenya
- Rwanda
- Uganda
- Mali
- Nigeria
- United States of America
- India
- 2023. “How Does the Geography of Surveillance Affect Collective Action?” Political Psychology Forthcoming (with S. Penic, K. Donnay, G. Elcheroth and M. Albzour).
- 2023. “Drivers of COVID-19 Protests Across Localities in Israel: A Machine Learning Approach.” Political Research Exchange Forthcoming (with N. Schlager, K. Donnay, and H. Kim).
- 2023. “Communities Under Occupation: Surveillance, Cohesion, and Resistance in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.” Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology Online First (June): doi/full/10.1037/pac0000684 (with S. Penic, G. Elcheroth, M. Albzour, and K. Donnay).
- 2023. “Aerial Occupation and Aerial Forensics in Gaza.” Global Challenges: Urban Morphology and Violence Issue no. 2 (March) (with J. Hellinger).
- 2023. “Centering the Urban in Our Understanding of Violence.” Global Challenges: Urban Morphology and Violence Issue no. 2 (March) (with X. Osorio Garate).
- 2023. “Trajectories of Resilience to Acute Malnutrition in the Kenyan Drylands.” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7 (June) (with N. Schlager, K. Donnay and M. Reul).
- 2023. “Household Behavior and Vulnerability to Acute Malnutrition in Kenya.” Nature, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 10:63 (February) (with N. Schlager, K. Donnay, M. Reul, L. Schenker, M. Stauffer and T. Patel).
- 2023. “Segregation and ‘Out-of-Placeness’: The Direct Effect of Neighborhood Racial Composition on Police Stops.” Political Research Quarterly Online First (April): doi/full/10.1177/10659129231171516 (with L. Schenker, D. Sylvan, and J. Arcand).
- 2020. “Notes and Advice for Evidence-Driven Computational Modeling Projects.” In R. Franzese and L. Curini (eds.) Sage Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science & International Relations. Sage (with K. Donnay and M. Reul).
- 2019. “The Morphology of Urban Conflict.” Global Challenges: New Grammars of War: Conflict and Violence in the 21st Century Issue no. 5 (April) (with M. Reul).
- 2019. “The Morphology of Urban Conflict.” GLOBE: Graduate Institute Review 23 (Spring): 22-23 (with M. Reul).
- 2017. "Simulation and ABM in Foreign Policy" Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press (with D. Sylvan).
- 2017. Peace and Conflict. Routledge (with D. Backer and P. Huth (eds.))
- 2016. Peace and Conflict. Routledge (with D. Backer and P. Huth (eds.))
- 2016. “Voting Intentions in Africa: Ethnic, Economic or Partisan?” in N. Cheeseman (ed.) African Politics. Routledge.(with M. Bratton and T.Chen)
- 2014. “Group Segregation and Urban Violence.” American Journal of Political Science 58:1 (January): 226-245 (with K. Donnay, D. Miodownik, M. Mor and D. Helbing)
- 2012. “Modeling Civil Violence in Afghanistan: Ethnic Geography, Control, and Collaboration.” Complexity 17:6 (July/August): 42-51 (with H. Choi)
- 2012. “Here’s Looking at You: Israeli Reactions to the Arab Spring.” Swiss Political Science Review 18:1 (March): 124-131 (with K. Donnay).
- 2012. "Voting Intentions in Africa.” Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 50:1 (February): 27-52 (with M. Bratton and T. Chen).
- 2011. “Minority Rule and Civil War Onset: Accounting for Ethnic Salience, Fiscal Policy, and Natural Resource Profiles.” Conflict Management and Peace Science 28:5 (November): 423 – 443 (with D. Miodownik).
- 2011. “Violence and Control in Civil Conflict: Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza.” Comparative Politics 44:1 (October):61-80 (with D. Miodownik and H. Choi).
- 2011. “Transnational-Ethnic Ties and the Incidence of Minority Rule in Rwanda and Burundi.” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 17: 231–256 (with J. Lavery).
- 2011. “Three Two Tango: Control and Violence in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 55:1 (February): 133-158 (with D. Miodownik and H. Choi).
- 2009. “Rumor Dynamics in Ethnic Violence.” Journal of Politics 71:3 (July): 876-892 (with M. Findley and J. Kuklinski).
- 2009. “Ethnic Polarization, Ethnic Salience, and Civil War.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 53:1 (February): 30-49 (with D. Miodownik).
- 2009. “Scarcity, Abundance, and Conflict: A Complex New World.” Whitehead Journal of International Diplomacy 10: 2 (Summer/Fall): 19-34.
- 2008. “Simulating Closed Regimes with Agent-Based Models.” Complexity 14:1 (September/October): 36-44 (with R. Riolo and D. Backer).
- 2008. “REsCape: An Agent-Based Framework for Modeling Resources, Ethnicity, and Conflict.” Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 11:2 (March) (with D. Miodownik, and J. Nart).
- 2006. “Ethnic Norms and Interethnic Violence: Accounting for Mass Participation in the Rwandan Genocide.” Journal of Peace Research 43:6 (November): 651-669.
- 2005. “Diamonds, Blood, and Taxes: A Revenue-Centered Framework for Explaining Political Order.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 49:4 (August): 563-597 (with R. Snyder).
- 2003. “Announcement, Credibility, and Turnout in Popular Rebellions.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 47:3 (June): 340-366 (with M. Ross).
- 2000. “Localized Ethnic Conflict and Genocide: Accounting for Differences in Rwanda and Burundi.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 44:3 (June): 283-307 (with D. Backer).
- Member, American Political Science Association
- Member, International Studies Association
- Member, European Political Science Association