PhD. University of California, Berkeley
Nathan Sussman is Full Professor of International Economics and Director of the Institute's Centre for Finance and Development. He was Associate Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics and in the integrated Philosophy, Economics, and Political Science Programme (PEP) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He was the Director of the Research Department at the Bank of Israel and a voting member of the Monetary Policy Committee. His fields of expertise are monetary and financial economic history. He has written numerous articles and co-authored a book on emerging markets and financial globalisation.
Professor Sussman earned his PhD in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley. He was Full Professor and Economics Department Chair at the University of Western Ontario in Canada, and served as Chairman of the Economics Department, Director of the Maurice Falk Institute for Economic Research, and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Hebrew University.
- Economic history
- Central banks & monetary policies
- Sustainability, sustainable development & SDGs
- Currencies & foreign exchange
- Development, cooperation, aid policies
- Labour & employment
- Environmental governance & policies
- Financial governance
- Emerging countries
- Knowledge, education & aid policies
- Canada
- United States of America
- France
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom
- Israël
Selected publications
- Paolo Mauro, Nathan Sussman and Yishay Yafeh, Globalization and Emerging Markets in the Nineteenth Century: Sovereign Debt and Institutions in the Golden Era of Globalization, Oxford University Press, June 2006, 2nd edition, paperback, June 2008.
- Sussman, Nathan. “Debasements, Royal Revenues, and Inflation in France During the Hundred Years’ War, 1415-1422” The Journal of Economic History 53, 1 (1993): 44-70.
- Mauro Paolo, Sussman Nathan and Yishay Yafeh “Emerging Market Spreads: Then versus Now”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 2002, pp. 695-733.
- Nathan Sussman and Yishay Yafeh, “Institutional Reforms, Financial Development and Sovereign Debt: Britain 1690–1790” Journal of Economic History” December 2006, pp. 906-35.
Current research projects
- “Inequality, Taxation, and Growth in Medieval Paris.” Book under contract from Princeton University Press.
- The development of the City of London financial market in the 17th century. With D’Maris Coffman and Judy Stepheson.