

International Law
Spoken languages
English, French, Italian

Former Lecturer at the Geneva LL.M. in International Dispute Settlement (2019-2024), his doctoral thesis, La protection des intérêts juridiques de l’Etat tiers dans le procès de délimitation maritime (The Protection of the Legal Interests of Third States in Maritime Delimitation Proceedings) (Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2020) was awarded the 2021 Paul Guggenheim Prize. Consultant in public international law disputes, he has co-led a project on the International Judicial Function under Pressure financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation, and acted as Counsel and Advocate for the Republic of Colombia before the International Court of Justice.

Course: DI174 – Current Issues in the International Law of the Sea

After having provided an overview of the history of the international law of the sea and of the comprehensive regime established by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the course will address current issues that relate, among other things, to navigation, boundary delimitation, environmental protection, exploration and exploitation of natural resources and dispute settlement. The course will provide a general understanding of the rules governing the uses of the oceans, as well as more detailed knowledge of selected issues that concern, for example, stability in the context of anthropogenic sea-level rise, natural prolongation of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, deep-sea mining and marine biodiversity beyond the limits of national jurisdiction and dispute settlement under UNCLOS Part XV.