Image of Tomas Morochovic


PhD Researcher in International Law
Spoken languages
Czech, English, German, Slovak, Spanish
Areas of expertise
  • International Human Rights Law
  • Transnational law
  • International Legal Theory
Geographical Region of Expertise
  • Europe
  • United Kingdom
  • Central Europe
  • Eastern Europe

PhD Thesis


Title: The Power of the Power-Loss? How Changing Narratives Affect International Human Rights Law

PhD Supervisor: Andrew Clapham

Expected completion date: 2023




Tomáš Morochovič is a doctoral candidate and teaching assistant in the International Law department at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Law from King’s College London (2015, recipient of the Dickson Poon Scholarship) and a master’s degree in International Human Rights Law from the University of Exeter (2017, with Distinction and Dean's Commendation). Before embarking on his PhD, Tomáš worked as a junior associate at White & Case and as a research assistant to Prof. Kubo Mačák. He was involved as a researcher and peer reviewer in the project 'International Cyber Law in Practice'. His PhD research, under the supervision of Prof. Andrew Clapham, focuses on the role of narrativity in the development of human rights obligations of non-state actors, particularly in areas perceived as being on the margins of international law. In particular, Tomáš is looking at the emergence of human rights obligations in transnational normative spaces such as online platforms (including social media networks), business and human rights, and sports governance. His other research interests include transnational legal theory, interaction between human rights law and other areas of international law, law and literature, research methodology, and the role of international law in cybersecurity.


Academic Work Experience


Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant, Graduate Institute (2021- ongoing)


Research Experience

Research Assistant, Graduate Institute (2020-2021)

Research Assistant to Dr Mačák, University of Exeter (2018-2019)


Research Interests


  • Non-State Actors
  • Human Rights Law
  • Transnational Legal Theory
  • International Law in Cybersecurity


Relevant Publications and Works


1. Tomáš Morochovič and Lucy Lu Reimers, ‘Hidden in the Shades: Patterns of Entanglement Within the Web of Corporate Social Responsibility Law’ in N. Krisch, Entangled Legalities Beyond the State (CUP, 2021)

2. Tomáš Morochovič and Jana Šikorská, ‘Matovič nie je medzinárodný zločinec, podanie na súd v Haagu neuspeje‘, Denník N (15 April 2021)

3. Tomáš Morochovič, ‘The weight of vulnerability: A comparative analysis of the significance of particular vulnerability attributes under ECtHR jurisprudence in situations of extreme vulnerability concerning migrants’ (2017) 44 Exeter Law Review


Fellowships, Grants and Awards


  • Academic Excellence Scholarship for PhD Studies (Graduate Institute)
  • Dean's Commendation (University of Exeter)
  • Dickson Poon Scholarship (King's College London)




Tomas Morochovic

Office Hours