

Post-Doctoral Researcher, Global Health Centre
Spoken languages
English, French, Indonesian
Areas of expertise
  • Epidemiology
  • Public health
  • Neglected Tropical Diseases
  • R&D and Access to medicines
  • Operational research and humanitarian action
Geographical Region of Expertise
  • Indonesia
  • Belgium
  • Eastern Africa
  • India


Temmy joined the Global Health Centre team to be part of the SNF project New Business Models on Innovation and Global Access to Medicines, led by Suerie Moon. This project aims to deepen understanding of the political, economic, scientific and organisational factors required to implement new business models of medicines R&D that will deliver both innovation and globally affordable medicines.

Prior to this, Temmy was a Marie-Sklodowska Curie fellow based at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium conducting her doctoral studies on access to care for leishmaniasis in Africa. Temmy is trained as a physician (2003) with a public health master in disease control (2010) and a PhD in Translational Medicine and International Health from the University of Barcelona (2019). Her experience include:  more than 13 years in the field with Médecins Sans Frontières (Indonesia, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, India) and a Public Health Professional Fellow in WHO Regional Office for South East Asia. She is keen to expand her research area in neglected disease to further improve access to care for those who are in need, especially in innovation and R&D space.


Selected publications