Inspiring Stories

Roxana Radu

Class of 2016
Associate Professor, University of Oxford

Roxana Radu is a leading expert in digital technologies and public policy, serving as an Associate Professor at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, and a Hugh Price Fellow at Jesus College. With a focus on the governance of technology and internet-related policymaking, her work has significantly influenced the field. She authored the monograph Negotiating Internet Governance (Oxford University Press, 2019), drawing inspiration from her extensive ex-perience with the diplomatic community in Geneva.

Roxana frequently advises governments and international organ-isations on digital governance issues, leveraging her expertise to shape effective policies. She currently serves on the Advisory Group of the EU Cybersecurity Agency and, since 2023, has chaired the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet). Her contributions to the field have established her as a key figure in internet and AI governance, guiding both academic discourse and practical policy implementation on a global scale.