

Postdoctoral Researcher
Spoken languages
English, Spanish, French, German


PhD International Law, The Graduate Institute

MA International Law, The Graduate Institute

Bachelor of Laws, UNAM Mexico


Latest Project

The Paths of International Law - Stability and Change in the International Legal Order

Timeline: October 2017 – December 2022


Previous works


- Norm-instability as a Strategy in International Law-Making: The Case of Self-Defense Against Non State Actors’ in Krisch, Nico and Yildiz, Ezgi, “Paths of International Law: A Frame” (Oxford University Press), forthcoming.

‘El PIDCP como instrumento de protección internacional: reflexiones sobre derechos humanos y derecho internacional de los refugiados a partir del PIDCP’, in Estrada Adán, Guillermo, y Salazar Ugarte, Pedro, “Reinterpretaciones contemporáneas del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos” (Bonilla/IIJ UNAM), 2020.

‘El cuento según quien lo cuente: Autodeterminación, formalismo y otras fábulas de derecho internacional en torno al caso del Archipiélago de Chagos’, 81 Revista Istor (CIDE, México) 79-102 (2020)

‘Change in international law through informal means: the rise of exceptions to state official immunity for international crimes’, 9 Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Internacional (LADI) 175-200 (2019) (available at

- Third-Party Countermeasures for Human Rights Violations (IHEID, 2017): seeking to provide insights on the issue of whether international law entitles states to implement countermeasures for breaches of human rights obligations by other states (available at:

- El contenido jurídico del artículo 39 de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas a partir de la interpretación del Consejo de Seguridad (UNAM, 2014): seeking to provide a framework for legally assessing the interpretation by the UN Security Council of the concepts of threat to the peace, breach of the peace and act of aggression under article 39 of the UN Charter (in Spanish) (available at: