Pablo Espiniella

Pablo Espiniella

Visiting Professors MINT
Human Rights Officer/Programme Management Coordinator, Field Operations and Technical
Cooperation Division at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Spoken languages


Pablo Espiniella has over 24 years of experience as Human Rights Officer including leading team positions as Deputy Regional Representative of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN Human Rights) for South-East Asia in Bangkok and for Europe in Brussels and assisting UN teams on the ground in the practical implementation of the Human Rights Based Approach to Development programming. Currently, he is the Human Rights Officer/Programme Management Coordinator at the Office of the Director of the Division of Field Operations and Technical Cooperation of UN Human Rights in Geneva, and has undertaken numerous short assignments in Myanmar, Tunisia, Colombia and Guatemala. Particularly relevant have been his experiences in investigation teams in peace mission settings. Pablo has solid experience on migrant rights in particular children’s rights, internally displaced persons, indigenous peoples, extrajudicial or summary executions, women’s rights and gender equality, human rights in development and with the Human Rights Mechanisms including Treaty Monitoring Bodies such as the Human Rights Committee and numerous Special Rapporteurs. His experience outside of the UN Human Rights includes two years’ secondment with the World Bank. He has extensive practical experience in supporting UN teams in country and at the regional levels to integrate human rights into UN programmatic tools. Pablo holds a PhD in International Law and Human Rights by the University of Zaragoza in Spain, with highest honours, and has made visiting professor contributions in various International Masters and Courses including the International Master on Cooperation and Development, Pavia, Italy and currently teaches also human rights in development at the IE School of Global and Public Affairs.