Nicolas Berman

Nicolas BERMAN

Affiliated to the Centre for Finance and Development
Visiting Professor, International Economics
Spoken languages
English, French


Nicolas Berman is a senior CNRS researcher at Aix-Marseille School of Economics. After defending his PhD at the University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne in 2008, he spent a year as a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence. He joined in 2009 the Graduate Institute, where he held Assistant Professor (2009-2013) and Associate Professor positions (2013-2018). He is also a research fellow at the CEPR. He is an applied researcher spacialized in development, and political economy and international economics. His recent research has deat with the impact of globalization on development, with a particular focus on civil conflicts and the role of natural resources. 



  • N. Berman, V. Rebeyrol and V. Vicard (2018) “Demand learning and exporter dynamics: evidence from exporters”, Review of Economics and Statistics.
  • N. Berman, M. Couttenier, D. Rohner and M. Thoenig (2017) “This mine is mine! How minerals fuel conflicts in Africa”, American Economic Review, vol. 107(6), pp. 1564-1610
  • N. Berman and M. Couttenier (2015), “External shocks, internal shots: the geography of civil conflicts”, Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 97(4), pp 758-776



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Nicolas Berman
Nicolas Berman

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