Ferolla Vallandro do Valle_Mariana


PhD candidate in International Law
Spoken languages
English, Spanish, French, Italian

PhD Thesis


Title: States' obligations towards the social inclusion of migrants under international human rights law

PhD Supervisor: Vincent Chetail

Expected completion date: 2025

The thesis seeks to examine the scope of states' obligations towards the social inclusion of migrants under international human rights law, taking into account regional and international legal frameworks.



Mariana (she/her) is a PhD candidate in International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and a research assistant at the Global Migration Centre. Her doctoral research concerns states’ obligations regarding the social inclusion of migrants under international human rights law. Her research interests include international refugee law, human rights law, international humanitarian law, and international criminal law.
Mariana has been engaged in different projects relating to international migration law and human rights law more broadly. She is currently a member of the International Law Association’s Committee on International Migration and International Law. Before starting her doctoral studies, among other things, Mariana acted as a volunteer at the legal sector of the Jesuit Service for Migrants and Refugees – Belo Horizonte and cooperated with Lawyers Without Borders Canada and the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights as an intern of Université Laval’s Clinique de droit international pénal et humanitaire. She holds a master’s and a bachelor’s degree in Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil).


Academic Work experience


Teaching Experience

  • Teaching Assistant at the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studes (Set/2021-today)
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Aug/2019-Dec/2019)

Research Experience

  • Researcher at Université Laval's Clinique de droit international pénal et humanitaire (Jan/2016 - Apr/2016; Oct/2016 - Nov/2016)
  • Research intern for the project "Political-Legal Observatory of International Organisations" at UFMG (2013-2014)


Research Interests


  • International refugee law
  • International human rights law
  • International humanitarian law
  • International criminal law
  • State responsibility


Relevant Publications and Works


  • “Family Reunification” in Vincent Chetail, ed, Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Migration Law (Edward Elgar, 2025) (forthcoming).
  • “Fleeing Deprivation: Deducing Non-Refoulement Obligations from Economic, Social and Cultural Rights” (2024) 36(4) International Journal of Refugee Law (forthcoming).
  • “Positive Obligations, Extraterritoriality, and the Kind of Society We Want”, Völkerrechtsblog (29 May 2024).
  • “The Asylum Procedure Regulation and the Erosion of Refugee Rights”, EU Immigration and Asylum Policy (23 May 2024) (with Vincent Chetail).
  • “Corfu Channel Case: Implications for the Law of Sea, Regime of Straits, and Territorial Rights” in Kevin W. Gray, ed, Global Encyclopedia of Territorial Rights (Springer, 2024).
  • “Advancing the access of refugees and asylum seekers in Latin America to the labour market: building from the Inter-American case-law” (2023) 63 Direito, Estado e Sociedade 364.
  • “There and Back Again: Ukraine vs. Russia at the European Court of Human Rights and Interim Measures”, International Law Agendas (03 May 2022)
  • “Leaving Just a Crack for Socioeconomic-Based Non-Refoulement: On the Committee on the Rights of the Child’s decision in A.M. v. Switzerland", Völkerrechtsblog (15 Nov. 2021).
  • “As Câmaras Extraordinárias nas Cortes do Camboja” [The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia] in Aziz Tuffi Saliba, Augusto Canêdo Gonçalves da Silva & Salem Hikmat Nasser, eds, Tribunais Penais Internacionais e Híbridos (Belo Horizonte: Arraes, 2021), 387 (with Henrique Choer Moraes).
  • “Rio de Janeiro State Prosecutor's Office v CXL, Special appeal decision, Recurso Especial No 1.475.580-RJ (2014/0108779-3), ILDC 3138 (BR 2017), 4th May 2017, Brazil", Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts (2021) (with Aziz Tuffi Saliba).
  • “A.S. e outros v. Itália: Aplicação do modelo de jurisdição "causa-e-efeito" pelo Comitê de Direitos Humanos [A.S. and others v. Italy: Application of the "cause-and-effect" jurisdictional model by the Human Rights Committee", International Law Agendas (01 Feb 2021).
  • “The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Quest for Equality: The Fireworks Factory case”, EJIL: Talk! (20 Jan 2021) (with Aziz Tuffi Saliba).
  • "Jurisdição Extraterritorial e Migração: O Caso M.N. e outros v. Bélgica [Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and Migration: The Case of M.N. and others v. Belgium", International Law Agendas (16 Nov. 2020).
  • “Stranded at the border: An analysis of the legality of international travel restrictions adopted by states in the COVID-19 pandemic in light of the right to return to one's country” (2020) 38:1 Wisconsin International Law Journal 39 (with Aziz Tuffi Saliba).
  • “Legitimidade (standing) perante a Corte Internacional de Justiça” [Standing before the International Court of Justice] in Arno Dal Ri Jr. & Lucas Carlos Lima, eds, A Jurisprudência da Corte Internacional de Justiça - História e Influência no Direito Internacional (Belo Horizonte: Del Rey, 2020) 445.
  • “O Esgotamento dos Recursos Internos e a Proteção de Obrigações de Direitos Humanos Erga Omnes Partes perante a Corte Internacional de Justiça: Considerações sobre legitimidade processual no julgamento das exceções preliminares em Ucrânia v. Rússia [Exhaustion of Local Remedies and the Protection of Human Rights Obligations Erga Omnes Partes before the International Court of Justice: Considerations on standing in the preliminary exceptions judgment in Ukraine v. Russia]", 37 Revista da Faculdade de Direito da UERJ (2020) 200.
  • “A implementação de resoluções sancionatórias do Conselho de Segurança no Brasil: análise dos projetos de lei n. 10.431/2018 e 181/2018 [The implementation of Security Council sanctions resolutions in Brazil: analysis of Congress Bills 10.431/2018 and 181/2018]", in: Aziz Tuffi Saliba & Lucas Carlos Lima, eds, Diálogos entre Cortes e Tribunais Internacionais (Belo Horizonte: Initia Via, 2020) 148.
  • “Legitimando a Punição da Blasfêmia? Análise da Jurisprudência da Corte Europeia de Direitos Humanos à Luz do Caso E.S. v. Áustria [Legitimising the Punishment of Blasphemy? Analysis of the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights in Light of the E.S. v. Austria Case]", in: Rodolfo Viana Pereira, ed, Direitos Políticos, Liberdade de Expressão e Discurso de Ódio, v. 3 (Belo Horizonte: IDDE, 2019) 169.
  • “A proibição do retorno à privação socioeconômica: aplicação do princípio de non-refoulement a partir do Pacto Internacional de Direitos Econômicos, Sociais e Culturais” [The prohibition of return to socioeconomic deprivation: application of the non-refoulement principle as from the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights] (2018) 18 Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional 293.
  • “Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other: The Inefficiency of Recognizing Refugee Status to Environmentally Displaced Persons” in Giovanni Carlo Bruno, Fulvio Maria Palombino & Valentina Rossi, eds, Migration and the Environment: Some Reflections on Current Legal Issues and Possible Ways Forward (Roma: CNR Edizioni, 2017) 1-22.
  • “A Proteção Internacional dos Migrantes Ambientais” [The International Protection of Environmental Migrants] (2017) 54 Revista de Informação Legislativa 13 (with Aziz Tuffi Saliba).


Academic Experiences


  • Teaching Assistant at the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studes (Set/2021-Aug/2022)
  • Research assistant at the Global Migration Centre (Sep/2022-today)


Fellowships, Grants and Awards


  • Scholarship from the Canadian government's Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (2016)
  • Quarter-finalist and 39th best oralist of the international rounds of the 2015 Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition
  • Winning team, best memorial, and best oralist of the Brazilian national rounds of the 2015 Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition
  • Prix spécial du Réseau francophone de droit international and 5th best oralist of the 2014 Concours de procès simulé en droit international Charles-Rousseau
  • Scholarship from the Brazilian National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) (2013-2014)
  • Winning team, best memorial, and best oralist of the Brazilian national rounds of the 2013 Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition



  • Global Migration Centre
  • NCCR on the Move
  • International Law Association (2020) - Member of the Committee on International Migration and International Law (2021)
  • Brazilian Bar Association (2018)

