Madhumita VARMA

Madhumita VARMA

PhD Researcher in International History And Politics
Spoken languages
Malayalam, English


Provisional PhD Thesis Title: “You match the description”: A History of Systemic Racism in Immigration and Deportation in England, 1948-1993

Expected Completion Date: 2025

My doctoral research is one of many histories of systemic racism in post-World War II England, focusing on immigration and deportation laws and policies. It examines, what appears to be, a transition from an imperial immigration system to a national one during a historically short period which witnessed multiple decolonial moments. In this time, a series of immigration and nationality laws, and deportation policies, were introduced to form the foundations of England’s immigration structure as we know it today. My dissertation aims to document the intentions of the policy makers who drafted these laws, and how they worked with multiple government agencies, particularly the Metropolitan police, to enforce the race-and-class based laws and policies they envisioned.


I am a PhD researcher in International History and Politics, and currently hold a Teaching Assistant position in the Interdisciplinary programmes department at the Geneva Graduate Institute.


Research Interests

  • Racisms
  • Systemic racism
  • Marx
  • Immigration
  • Deportation
  • Policing
  • Borders
  • Colonialism