PhD Thesis Title: A Critical Perspective on the International Jus Puniendi in International Criminal Justice
PhD Supervisor: Paola Gaeta
Expected completion date: 2026
Liyu Wu is currently a PhD candidate and Teaching Assistant at the International Law Department of the Graduate Institute. She previously graduated cum laude from Leiden University with an advanced LLM in Public International Law (International Criminal Law). She worked on various topics of public international law at the UN Office of Legal Affairs (Codification Division), UN Office on Drugs and Crimes, as well as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC East Asia Delegation). She served as a research assistant for Prof. Charles Jalloh at the International Law Commission. She also previously worked as an assistant editor at Leiden Journal of International Law.
- Intern, United Nations Office of Legal Affairs
- Intern, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
- Intern, International Committee of the Red Cross