
Iulia Slovenski

Researcher and Project Coordinator, Global Health Centre
PhD Candidate in International Relations / Political Science
Spoken languages
English, French, Spanish, Romanian
  • Global Health


Iulia Slovenski is a Researcher and Project Coordinator of the "Building a Community of Practice on Global Health R&D" initiative, hosted by the Global Health Centre within the Geneva Graduate Institute. Previously, between 2022 and 2024 she served as a Research Assistant and Research Officer at the "New Business Models for Pharmaceutical Innovation and Global Access to Medicines" research project, also hosted by the Global Health Centre. She holds a BA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from the University of Warwick, and a Master in Development Studies (MDEV) from the Geneva Graduate Institute. Her professional background is in global health research, public health, and hospital administration.

PhD Provisional Title: Investigating State and Non-State Authority in Emerging Countries in Pharmaceutical Innovation and Global Health.

Expected completion date: 2028

Supervisor: Suerie Moon