Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Initiative


Based on the vision and principles affirmed by the Institute's new Charter, the mission of this initiative is to integrate considerations of gender, diversity and inclusion into all areas of work at the Institute - as research questions, objects of teaching, and projects of engagement in our daily lives, in Geneva and  the world.


DEI Strategy

The DEI strategy spells the concrete objectives in the coming years to foster diversity, equity and inclusion at the Geneva Graduate Institute. These objectives pertain to the areas of engagement, personnel, teaching and research.


Contact :

Cécile de Gardelle
Email: cecile.degardelle@graduateinstitute.ch
Tel : 022 908 57 14

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Initiative Membership Terms

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2021-2022 Publications on Gender, Race, Equality, and More

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DEI Strategic Plan

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Meet the team


Laurence Algarra

Cabinet Director, DisAbility Taskforce Moderator



Nicole Bourbonnais

Associate Professor, International History and Politics and Co-Director of the Gender Centre


Eric Degila

Professor of Practice, Interdisciplinary Programmes and International Relations/Political Science


Sophie Fleury

Head of Corporate and Internal Communications

 Cécile de Gardelle

Cécile de Gardelle

Initiative Coordinator

 Cyprien Fluzin

Cyprien Fluzin

Teaching Assistant, PhD student in International Law


Diego Gutierrez

Head of Student Services


dena kirpalani

PhD Researcher in International Law
Research Assistant, Global Health Centre
Research Fellow, Centre for Finance and Development


Lucile Maertens

Associate Professor, International Relations/Political Science
Co-Director, Global Governance Centre

 Graziella Moraes Silva


Co-Director Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy
Associate Professor, Anthropology and Sociology



Lecturer, International Affairs
Executive Director of the Garden Centre

 Martina Viarengo.jpg


Associate Professor, International Economics
Faculty associate, Centre for Finance and Develpment
Global Migration Centre, Gender Centre


Isabelle Vuillemin-Raval

Subject librarian for anthropology & sociology


Laurent Neury

Academic Adviser, Office of the Director of Studies, Disability task force moderator


Chanwoong BAEK

Assistant Professor, International Relations/Political Science, Director of NORRAG, UNESCO Co-Chair in Comparative Education Policy

Upcoming events

Latest news


What characterizes Mexico's feminist foreign policy and why was it proposed? How can a feminist foreign policy influence domestic policy regarding the gender perspective and equity? These are some of the questions that are addressed in this episode of In Conversation With. Our guest is Ms Martha Delgado Peralta, Mexican Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights. She is interviewed by Clara Schöpfel and Jessica Espinosa Azcárraga, students at the Geneva Graduate Institute, on Mexico's Feminist Foreign Policy. Martha Delgado Peralta has more than 29 years of experience in the federal government and NGOs engaged in the protection of human rights, and has gained national and international recognition as a public servant. As Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, she has promoted Mexico's feminist foreign policy to increase the number of women in leadership and decision-making positons throughout the country.


Workshop registration

The REGARD workshops offer you concrete tools for your academic career management - whether you are a PhD candidate, a member of the mid-level faculty or a women professor. During the workshops you develop your transversal skills together with other researchers from the six partner universities. REGARD is thus also a place for discussion and the exchange of experience between women researchers.

Operating terms and cancellation policy

  • Registration usually opens six weeks before each workhop and has to be done online over the program's website
  • You'll immediately get an automatically generated message confirming your request
  • In the next couple of days, we'll confirm your registration by email. If the workshop is fully booked, we'll put you on the waiting list.
  • Once your registration is confirmed, it is considered final. Withdrawal less than one week before the workshop OR an absence from the workshop without excuse or explanation entail a fee of CHF 200.- (except in the case of force majeure). 
  • You'll get an email with all the necessary information (starting time, room, etc.) no later than one week before the workshop
  • There will be a waiting list if the workshop is fully booked. If a place becomes available, regard will contact you as soon as possible
  • Researchers from other institutions than the partner universities are welcome to participate in our workshops at a cost of CHF 250.-/workshop day. Priority will be given to researchers from the partner institutions. 
