Following his graduation in 2009, Felix Stähli developed a passion for social entrepreneurship, a new breed of international development partnerships and trans-local programmes. He went on to co-found the Impact Hub in Geneva and Lausanne. The Impact Hub offers programmes and initiatives for entrepreneurship and for companies to develop more sustainable business models in Switzerland and abroad in more than 30 countries. It also provides innovation spaces to work and host activities to foster collaboration and sustainable action.
In 2019, he co-initiated the creation of Circular Economy Switzerland, a coordination and network platform for the Swiss circular economy movement, and has served on its Executive Committee ever since. The platform aims to enhance public awareness regarding the circular economy, connects circular initiatives across Switzerland and ad-vocates at the political level for framework conditions that enable the further development of the Swiss circular economy.
Stähli’s journey reflects his dedication to social entrepreneurship, collaboration and sustainability. His co-founding of Impact Hub Geneva and Lausanne and Circular Economy Switzerland demonstrate his efforts to promote positive social and environmental impact leveraging entrepreneurship, open innovation and advocacy for circular economy principles.