
Fekade ABEBE

PhD Researcher in International Law
Spoken languages
Amharic, English, French

PhD Thesis


Title: Searching for a Legal Framework: Missing Migrants in International Law

Expected completion date: 2023

My thesis aims to study the protection of missing migrants and their families in international law. In this regard, I aim to analyse the efficacy of the existing legal framework to protect missing migrants and respond to the needs of their families using a doctrinal legal research method. After such analysis, I intend to forward proposals for a legal framework that places the needs of their families at the centre of its protective regime.





Fekade Abebe is a fourth-year PhD candidate at the international law department. He has served as a teaching assistant from September 2020 to August 2022. He has an LL.M. in international humanitarian law and human rights from the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and an LL.M. in Public International Law from Addis Ababa University. In addition, he acquired his LL.B. degree from Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia.

Before coming to Geneva, he served as a lecturer of law at Hawassa and Mizan-Tepi Universities in Ethiopia. His areas of interest include human rights,  migration, international humanitarian law, and the history of international law.


Research Interests


  • Human Rights of Migrants

  • Missing Migrants

  • Enforced Disappearance

  • History of International Law


Relevant Publications and works


Fekade Abebe, Exclusion vs Cooperation in the Utilisation of Transboundary Watercourses: The Case for Decolonising the Nile Water Agreements, 24 Journal of the history of International Law (2022) 189–226"






Fekade ABEBE

Office Hours