Erica Moret NEW PP


Managing Researcher of Sanction and Sustainable Peace Hub
Senior Researcher: Global Governance Centre
Coordinator, Geneva International Sanctions Network (GISN)
Visiting Lecturer: Department of International Relations/ Political Science
Spoken languages
English, French, Spanish


Dr Erica Moret is an expert on sanctions and humanitarian affairs. She is Senior Researcher at the Global Governance Centre and the Centre for Humanitarian Studies at the Graduate Institute and coordinates the Geneva International Sanctions Network (GISN). She is Associate Editor of the Journal of Global Security Studies and Visiting Professor at Sciences-Po’s Paris School of International Affairs. She serves as an independent expert on sanctions and humanitarian affairs for the UN, EU and humanitarian organisations and has provided advice to the Biden Administration and both UK Houses of Parliament on sanctions-related matters.

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Latest Projects:

  • Coordinator of EU DG ECHO-Swiss funded multi-stakeholder dialogues on de-risking as part of the “Presence, Proximity Protection Project” with NRC, Geneva Call, HI, ACF & MDM (covering protected humanitarian banking channels; digital innovations in the remittance market to aid financial inclusion; common stances among donors on the need to use hawala in humanitarian financing, political mechanisms to support humanitarian trade in financially excluded sanctioned countries and creation of a monitoring tool for humanitarian actors to capture sanctions’ impacts on their work)

  • Coordinator of UNDP study into impacts of private sector challenges on supply chains of food and related goods to Afghanistan 

  • Principal investigator: commissioned by the Norwegian Refugee Council, running a major study on humanitarian financing channels to Afghanistan (2021/2022).

  • Principal investigator, with T. Biersteker, Z. Hudakova and NRC, with GSPI funding, to update the UNSanctionsApp with a humanitarian section (2021/2022).

  • Project Coordinator of the Swiss Network of International Studies (SNIS)-funded project entitled “When Money Can’t Buy Food and Medicine: Banking Challenges in the International Trade of Vital Goods and their Humanitarian Impact in Sanctioned Jurisdictions"

  • Principle Investigator on UN-funded research project “Political Economy of Syrian Remittances"

  • Senior Researcher on the European Research Council (ERC) Project “Bombs, Banks and Sanctions”, responsible for planning Special Issue in a leading International Relations journal on the topic of sanctions, COVID-19, humanitarian access and international law.

Completed Projects as Principle Investigator

Selected publications:

Media interviews and appearances

Appeared as part of a BBC Radio 4 documentary (37 mins) on sanctions called “The Cost of Economic War”, July 2022

Coverage of Afghanistan humanitarian financing report: 

Quote - "L'économie russe plie mais ne rompt pas" - La Liberté - 09 August 2022.

Quote - "Ukraine: quatre scénarios pour une guerre qui s’enlise" - Le Temps.

Quote - "Wie helpt Afghanistan de winter door?" - Die Standard - 23 November 2021.

Voice of America interview “Is European Unity on Iran Nuclear Deal Starting to Crack?”, 16 January 2020.

Interview – « Les sanctions américaines contournées » - Le Temps - 27 May 2020.

Interview – « Les sanctions internationales atteignent rarement leur but » - Alternatives Economiques - hors-série n° 119.




Panelist: Trapped in an age of economic coercion – How can the EU effectively navigate it?, European Council of Foreign Relations (ECFR), 17 June 2021.

Panelist: Cyber Sanctions: Assessing Trends and Effectiveness, Stimson Center, 3 June 2021.

Panelist: European Law and Policies against Hybrid Threats, University College Cork, 20 May 2021.

Panel discussion: "Inadequate or Excessive? The use of Sanctions in Foreign Policy", Network 2020, 28 April 2021.

Panelist: Side event to the European Union Brussels V Conference on Syria, hosted by Amanacard, 26 March 2021.

Panelist: “Future of Iran Nuclear Deal under Biden Administration”, Institute for Peace and Diplomacy Panel, 18 December 2020.

Panelist: Opening lecture on cyber sanctions and EU diplomacy, Big Cyber Ideas Festival.

Panelist: How is covid-19 changing European economic sovereignty?, European Council of Foreign Relations (ECFR), 3 June 2020.

Panelist: When borderless COVID-19 hits sanctioned nations, what gives?, Webinar organized by The Graduate Institute, 2 June 2020.


Selected presentations / task forces:

  • Taskforce member of RUSI Task Force on The Future of UK Sanctions. 

  • Taskforce member of ECFR Task Force on the Future of European Sanctions.

  • Taskforce member of EUISS Task Force on Future of European Security.

  • Member of Carter Centre Roundtable on Syria Sanctions.

  • Member of UN Targeted Sanctions Project Research Team.

  • Member of EU Non-Proliferation Consortium.

  • Taskforce member on EU/ cyber security, European Union Institute of Security Studies, resulting in Chaillot publication late 2019.

  • Podcast discussion on differences in  approaches to the Iranian nuclear crisis and the JCPOA, European Council on Foreign Relations, 27 September 2018: 

  • Panel discussion on policy implications of “Sanctions after Brexit”, organised by Brick Court Chambers, London, 21 June 2018.

  • Workshop on “Minilateralism: Responding to Global and Regional Cooperation Challenges in Europe” delivered to GCSP’s course on regional and global governance, 24 May 2018.

  • Participant in roundtable “Brexit: What Consequences for the EU’s Security and Defence Agenda?”. European Union Institute for Security Studies, Brussels, 23 March 2018.

  • Briefing in UK Parliament on the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill (“SAMLB”) with officials, MPs, peers and senior stakeholders from the financial services industry, organised by UK Finance, 13 March 2018.

  • “North Korea Sanctions: Effectiveness and Common Approaches in the International Community”, delivered at the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique conference on "The DPRK Nuclear and Ballistic Crisis: The Way Forward", Brussels, funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and supported by the European External Action Service, 25 September 2017.

  • “Global Governance Adaptations: Minilateralism” on the New Issues in Security Course, Geneva Centre for Security Policy, 29 May 2017.

  • “UNSC Sanctions: Issues of Legitimacy and Effectiveness from 2006 to 2016 as part of “The Nuclear Negotiations with Iran” series for the Masters of International Affairs (MIA), Graduate Institute, 12 May 2017.

  • “Crisis in the global order: What role for “minilateral” diplomacy?“ at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)’s Leadership in International Security course, 2 March 2017.

  • "Sanctions contre la Russie : coûts et impacts", European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), Paris Office at the French Representation to the European Commission, 13 December 2016.

  • Workshop on Russia sanctions, “International Sanctions: From Design to Implementation”, Geneva Centre for Security Policy Executive Course, 13 October 2016.

  • Co-chair of ongoing consultations on Syria sanctions and impacts of banking restrictions on humanitarian access, with UN, EU, US, banking and NGO communities. Graduate Institute. 2016-present.

  • Co-chair of Chatham House (Russia and Eurasia Programme) task force on transatlantic sanctions on Russia, 28 September 2016.

  • Task force member on Iran, Russia and Syria sanctions, European Union Institute for Security Studies (2015).

  • Task force member on Syria Conflict, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (2014).

  • "Rising Powers and Global Responses: International Security Organizations’, presented at the Economic and Social Research Council Seminar Series: Normative Challenges to International Society – Rising Powers and Global Responses", Plymouth University, 1 March,2014.

  • "Humanitarian Impacts of EU Sanctions on Iran and Syria", presentation given to Oxford University Strategic Studies Group, All Souls College, University of Oxford, 7 May 2013.

Parliamentary Testimonies & Governmental Hearings