Soto Saldias Diego new


PhD Researcher in International History and Politics
Spoken languages
Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, German

PhD Thesis


Title: Rejection and Mimesis: Unrecognized Statehood and International Society since Decolonization

PhD Supervisor & Co-Supervisor: Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou (International History and Politics) and Fuad Zarbiyev (International Law)

Expected completion date: March 2024

Diego Soto Saldías’ thesis offers an international history of the unrecognized statehood phenomenon. His work seeks to combine diplomatic history, international law, and international relations theory to examine the effects of the evolution of state recognition practice on state formation in contemporary unrecognized states. The historical analysis focuses on the cases of the Republic of Biafra, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), and the Republic of Abkhazia




Diego is a Ph.D. Candidate in International History and Politics at the Geneva Graduate Institute. He holds a Master in International Affairs from the Geneva Graduate Institute, and a Bachelor in Political and Governmental Sciences from the Universidad de Chile. Diego has evolved professionally as a consultant and research assistant working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile and the International Labour Organization (ILO), among other institutions. 


Research Interests


  • Contested Statehood
  • Statehood Theory
  • Self-Determination
  • Ethnic Conflict
  • Democratization
  • Political Transitions
  • Post-Soviet History
  • State Emergence
  • Sovereignity-Based Conflicts

Academic Work Experience


Teaching Experience

  • Teaching Assistant, Interdisciplinary Masters, Graduate Institute (2018–2022)
  • Teaching Assistant, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez (Chile) (2017)
  • Teaching Assistant, Universidad Central (Chile) (2014)


Fellowships, Grants and Awards


The Graduate Institute Excellence Scholarship (2018-2021)



Office Hours