Dario Piselli

Dario Piselli

PhD Researcher in International Law
Spoken languages
English, French, Italian, Swedish

PhD Thesis


Title: Protecting Ecosystem Integrity in the Age of Planetary Boundaries: Science, International Environmental Law, and the Ecosystem Approach

PhD Supervisor: Anne Saab

Expected completion date: 2022

Thanks to massive advances in science and technology, the last few decades have revolutionised our understanding of the world’s ecosystems and their contribution to human well-being.

From the emergence of Earth System science to the multi-faceted applications of Big Data and integrated assessment modelling, the project aims to explore the influence that this unprecedented production of new knowledge exerts in the development of international biodiversity law. In particular, the project studies how such knowledge is incorporated in a number of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) through the concept of ‘ecosystem approach’ and the definition of positive obligations to protect ecosystem integrity.




Dario is a PhD candidate in international law at the Graduate Institute of Geneva, an affiliated researcher at its Centre for International Environmental Studies, and an independent sustainability consultant. A graduate of the University of Siena (JD, cum laude) and the London School of Economics (MSc in Environment and Development), his main areas of expertise are international and European biodiversity law, trade and environment, global health, and science and technology-policy interfaces.

From 2012 to 2019 he collaborated with the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network in a variety of roles, gaining significant knowledge of international policy issues and and experience of the negotiations on both the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. From 2017 to 2020 he was the programme manager of the Jean Monnet Module in European Union Law and Sustainable Development, hosted by the University of Siena. From 2016 to 2018, he was also a Research Officer for the Global Health Centre of the Graduate Institute of Geneva.


Academic Work Experience


Research Experience

Research Assistant at the Centre for International Environmental Studies (CIES)
2016-2018 | Research officer, Global Health Centre


Research Interests


  • Biodiversity and Ecosystem Conservation

  • Science and Technology-Policy Interfaces

  • Trade and Environment

  • Digital and Data Governance

  • Environmental and Climate Change Litigation


Relevant Publications and Works


Books and Edited Volumes
1. Partnerships for Sustainability: Pathways to Effectiveness (volume editor) (Routledge 2022, forthcoming) (with Liliana Andonova and Moira V Faul)

Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Entries
1. 'Global Governance of Planetary Boundaries: Regime Interactions’ in D French and L Kotzé (eds) Research Handbook on Law, Governance and Planetary Boundaries (Edward Elgar 2020, forthcoming) (with Harro van Asselt)

2. ‘Partnerships’ in JF Morin and A Orsini (eds) Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance (2nd edition, Routledge 2020) (with Liliana Andonova and Manoela Assayag)

3. ‘EU Biodiversity Law and its Health Impacts’ in S Negri (ed) Environmental Health in International and EU Law (Routledge 2019) (with Riccardo Pavoni)

4. ‘The Role of Youth in Achieving the SDGs: Supporting Youth-led Innovation for Sustainable Food Systems’ in R Valentini, JL Sievenpiper, M Antonelli and K Dembska (eds) Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Through Sustainable Food Systems (Springer 2019) (with Siamak Sam Loni, Kayla Colyard and Sienna Nordquist)

5. ‘Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing’ in J Razzaque and E Morgera (eds) Encyclopedia of Environmental Law: Biodiversity and Nature Protection Law (Edward Elgar 2017) 237-250 (with Riccardo Pavoni)

Journal articles
1. ‘Transnational Partnerships, Domestic Institutions and Sustainable Development’ (2022, forthcoming) World Development (with L Andonova)

2. ‘The Lancet and Financial Times Commission on Governing Health Futures 2030: Growing Up in a Digital World’ (2021) 38The Lancet 1727 (with I Kickbusch, A Agrawal, R Balicer, et al.)

3. ‘The Global Economic System and Access and Allocation in Earth System Governance’ (2020) 20(2) International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 223 (with Defne Gonenc and Yixian Sun)

4. ‘Gridlock, Innovation and Resilience in Global Health Governance’ (2019) 10(2) Global Policy 161 (with David Held, Ilona Kickbusch, Kyle McNally and Michaela Told)

5. ‘The Sustainable Development Goals and International Environmental Law: Normative Value and Challenges for Implementation’ (2016) 13(27) Veredas do Direito 13 (with Riccardo Pavoni)

Book Reviews
1. ‘The Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Judgment and Its Contribution to the Development of International Law’, edited by S Forlati, MM Mbengue and B MacGarry (2021) 30(1) Italian Yearbook of International Law 589

2. ‘Sustainable Development Goals: Law, Theory and Implementation’, edited by D French and L Kotzé (2019) 28(1) Italian Yearbook of International Law 619

3. ‘Governing Through Goals: Sustainable Development Goals as Governance Innovation’, edited by N Kanie and F Biermann (2017) 6(3) Transnational Environmental Law 551 (with R Pavoni)

Working Papers
1. ‘The Role of Indirect Investments in REDD+ Projects: Path Dependence or Key Factors for Success?’ (2018) Working Paper. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18149.42728/2

2. ‘UNFCCC Nationally Determined Contributions: Climate Change and Trade’ (2017) Center for Trade and Economic Integration Working Paper 2017-02 (with Rana Elkahwagy and Vandana Gyanchandani)


