Dario Mazzola


Master in International and Development Studies
Areas of expertise
  • Political philosophy
  • Political Theory
  • Ethics
  • Migration
  • Asylum
  • Realism
  • Populism
  • Citizenship


Dario Mazzola holds a BA and MA in Philosophy from the University of Pavia and a PhD in Philosophy and Human Sciences from the University of Milan. 

Mazzola is currently concluding a postdoc at the University of Bergen and is about to start a FNS-funded research project on “Inter-state trust over asylum policies” at the University of Geneva. Besides publishing on a variety of subjects in social and political theory and philosophy, Mazzola specializes in the theory, ethics, and politics of migration and asylum, in particular as seen from a realist standpoint that is informed by interdisciplinary research.  

Areas of interest

  • International Relations
  • History of Ethical and Political Thought
  • Philosophy and Methods of Social Sciences
  • Postcolonialism
Dario Mazzola