Claire Barthélémy IH

Claire Barthélémy

PhD Researcher in International History and Politics

PhD Thesis


PhD Supervisor & 2nd Reader: Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou and Julie Billaud (Anthropology and Sociology)

Expected completion date: 2024




Claire's work researches the political history of humanitarian emotions in the 19th and 20th centuries, focusing her analysis on the emotion of love. She has a master in History and one in Humanitarian programme management. As Project coordinator, she has worked six years in the field with local and international NGOs. She is now working as Teaching assistant at the Graduate Institute and continues to teach humanitarianism at the Geneva Center in Humanitarian Studies.


Research Interests


  • History of Humanitarianism
  • History of Emotions


Academic Work Experience


Teaching Experience

Teaching assistant at the Graduate Institute


Fellowships, Grants and Awards


The Graduate Institute Excellence Scholarship


