Christian Bueger Profile

Christian BUEGER

Areas of expertise
  • International organizations
  • International Relations theory
  • International Security
  • United Nations
  • Ocean Governance
  • Maritime Security
  • Piracy
  • Practice Theory
  • Sociology of Science and Expertise
  • Interpretive and qualitative methods


Christian Bueger is Professor of International Relations at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen. He is also an honorary professor of the University of Seychelles, a research fellow at the University of Stellenbosch and one of the directors of the SafeSeas network.
He was professor of international relations at Cardiff University and held visiting fellowships at the National University of Singapore (2015 & 2018), University College London (2015), University of Bologna (20220, and the University of Copenhagen (2013 & 2014). He was a Leverhulme Fellow at the Greenwich Maritime Institute, London (2011) and a research fellow at the Institute for Development and Peace, Duisburg, Germany (2010).
In his current grant funded projects he is studying regional responses to blue crime in the Indo-Pacific (TOCAS), maritime security governance in Ghana (AMARIS), the protection of submarine data cables (DACANE) and ocean infrastructures (OCINFRA). Actively combining research with practical work he regularly acts as consultant and speaker at conferences on ocean governance, maritime security and transport security. His research has featured in different media, including, Al Jazeera, ITV, or The Guardian.

Christian BUEGER