Ayode Daniel Dossou

Ayode Habib Daniel DOSSOU NONVIDE

PhD Researcher in International History and Politics
Spoken languages
English, French, Fon, Idaasha

PhD Thesis


Title: Search for Truth and Claims of Jewish Identity in Côte d'Ivoire and Kenya

PhD Supervisor & 2nd Reader: Aidan Russell and Carolyn Biltoft

Expected completion date: 2024

My thesis examines the adoption of and return to Jewish identity among some communities in sub-Saharan Africa. It focuses on the reasons for such moves, their characteristics as well as the effects of those dynamics on the understanding of the concept of Jewishness.




I am examining the place of Truth in the choice of Judaism by some emerging Jewish communities on the continent. Broadly, my research studies group identities' construction. I received my master's degree in International History from the Graduate Institute of Geneva and did my undergraduate studies in History at the University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin.


Research Interests


  • Judaism
  • Community Identities
  • Religion
  • Decolonization


Academic Work Experience


Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant at the Graduate Institute Department of International History and Politics from September 2019 to August 2021


Fellowships, Grants and Awards


Pierre du Bois scholarship 2018-2019





Ayode Habib Daniel DOSSOU NONVIDE

Office Hours