PhD Thesis Title: “Like a multitude of impossibilities”. Identity narratives of Palestinian Hebrew novelists and poets in Israel (1960s-2020s).
PhD Supervisor: Professor Cyrus Schayegh
PhD Co-supervisor : Emeritus Professor Riccardo Bocco
Andrea Pizzinato is currently pursuing a PhD in International History and Politics, with a minor in Anthropology and Sociology, at the Geneva Graduate Institute. He is also a Teaching Assistant for the Interdisciplinary Program (MINT) within the same institution. His research explores the socio-political history of Israel’s Palestinian citizens, focusing on identity politics and indigeneity within this community in the post-Oslo period (1995-2020). More recently, he has been working on narratives of identity in fiction and poetry written in Hebrew by Palestinian authors, citizens of Israel.
He holds a bachelor’s degree in ‘Anthropology, Religions, Oriental Civilizations’ from the University of Bologna and a master’s degree in ‘Languages, Economics and Institutions of Asia and North Africa’ from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He complemented his training with intensive language courses in Arabic and Hebrew, respectively in Amman, Jordan and Tel Aviv, Israel.
Research Interests
- Identity politics
- Civil society
- Ethnonationalism
- Indigeneity
- Socio-political history
- Novels and poetry
Publications and Works
- Pizzinato, A. (2024). ‘Being Arab, Palestinian, Israeli, and Jew? Sayed Kashua’s “Arab Labor” and the Challenge to Coexist in Israel’. I.S. MED. - Interdisciplinary Studies on the Mediterranean 3(1), pp. 15-39 (
- Pizzinato, A. (2022). Review of ‘La Siria contemporanea. Ridisegnando la carta del Vicino Oriente’ (2 vols), by Johannes Waardenburg. Syrian Studies Association Bullettin 25(1), pp. 48-50.
- Pizzinato, A. (2022). Review of ‘Reconstructing the Civic. Palestinian Civil Activism in Israel’, by Amal Jamal. Ricerche di Storia Politica 3, pp. 344-345.
- Pizzinato, A. (2021). Review of ‘Palestinian Citizens of Israel. Power, Resistance and the Struggle for Space’, by Sharri Plonski. Ricerche di Storia Politica 1, pp. 125-126.
Fellowships, grants and awards
- “Denis and Alexis Mylonas” Excellence Scholarship, released by FERIS, Fondation pour l’étude des relations internationales en Suisse (2021-2022).
- Graduate Institute scholarship for maintenance during PhD (2022-2023).
- "Premio per studenti meritevoli”, University of Bologna. Excellence award (2015-2016).