Amena Martins Yassine

Amena Martins Yassine

PhD Researcher in International Relations & Political Science
Spoken languages
Portuguese, English, French, Spanish
Areas of expertise
  • Diplomacy
  • International Negotiations
  • International organisations, UN
  • Multilateralism
  • Peace and security
  • Human rights
  • Peacebuilding, peacekeeping, peacemaking / mediation
Geographical Region of Expertise
  • Latin America

PhD Thesis


Title: The rise of women’s organizations of diplomats and the queering of diplomacy: an ethnographic study of the Group of Brazilian female diplomats

PhD Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Anna Leander and Elisabeth Prügl

Expected completion date: 2024

I intend to assess the ways in which women’s organizations of diplomats are challenging diplomacy as an enactment of the masculine authority of the sovereign state with their mobilization for gender equality within the structure of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs.




Ms. Yassine is a career diplomat with 13+ years of experience in international negotiations, multilateralism, peace and security, and human rights. She has held high-ranked positions as Head of the Peace and Security Unit of the UN General Assembly and senior adviser to the President of the 72nd session of the UNGA and the Minister and Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil. She is currently a PhD candidate at the Graduate Institute and holds a master’s degree, with merit, from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and a diploma from The Hague Academy of International Law. She has experience with teaching (the Diplomatic Academy of Brazil and Brazilian universities) and with publishing academic (International Studies Association - ISA) and policy papers. She took part into the documentary Foreigner: Brazilian Women at Diplomacy and has a degree in advanced photography at the International Center of Photography (ICP).


Research Interests


  • Diplomacy
  • International negotiations
  • Gender
  • International security
  • Human rights

