

PhD Researcher in Anthropology and Sociology
PhD Affiliate, Gender Centre
Spoken languages
English, French, German, Spanish

PhD Thesis

PhD Supervisor & 2nd Reader: Dennis Rodgers and Julie Billaud

Expected completion date: 2023-2024




Alice Daquin is a PhD candidate at the Anthropology and Sociology department of the Graduate Institute Geneva. She has been interested in youth, urban and political sociology and gender studies. After a master thesis on the problematised youth in the "quartiers populaires" and a professional experience in popular education, she has become a member of the ERC project: "Gangs, Gangsters and Ganglands: Towards a Global Comparative Ethnography". Her doctoral project examines the way women living in poor neighborhoods are linked with gang members and how they navigate the coexistence of drug traffic activities. Based on situational and network analysis, life stories and mapping exercices, her fieldwork takes the form of an ethnography in a poor neighborhood of Marseille, in the south of France.  

Country of origin: France


Relevant Publications and Works


Daquin Alice. 2019. « Avoir un local à soi »: Enjeux de territoire entre jeunes de rue et institutions d’un quartier populaire. Agora débats/jeunesses, 83(3), 71-88

Daquin Alice, Huet Marine, Lebian Julien, Martinais Emmanuel & Martinez Camille. (2019). Des conseils citoyens inadaptés à la participation des jeunes ? Retour sur trois expérimentations dans des quartiers populaires de la périphérie lyonnaise Participations, 24(2), 83-109


Academic Work Experience


Research Experience

Research Assistant in the ERC project "Gangs, Gangsters and Ganglands: Towards a Global Comparative Ethnography". This project is directed by Dennis Rodgers and hosted by the CCDP (Center on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding) of the Graduate Institute.


