Abhilash Prasann

Abhilash PRASANN

PhD Researcher in International Relations & Political Science
Spoken languages
English, Hindi, Urdu
Areas of expertise
  • Peacebuilding
Geographical Region of Expertise
  • Sub-Saharan Africa

PhD Thesis


Provisional PhD Thesis Title: Constructing Legitimacy : The Impact of Externally Funded Infrastructural Development on State Legitimacy of Recipient Countries

Expected completion date: Summer 2025

Thesis Short Description: 

Abhilash’s thesis explores the linkage between externally funded infrastructural development and state legitimacy of the recipient countries. Specifically, it focuses on projects funded by the World Bank Group and China in the African continent. Typically, provision of public services and building of critical infrastructure by governments garners much credit and legitimacy from the citizenry. This topic seeks to explore if that is still the case when the service providing actor is not the government itself but an external entity.




Abhilash Prasann’s research interests lie at the intersection of State and Development. He holds a Bachelor in Political Science with a focus on International Relations from Trinity College, USA. He holds a Master’s degree in International Peace and Conflict Resolution from American University in Washington DC. He has previously worked at Observer Research Foundation, Vivekananda India Foundation, World Resources Institute, and Creative Associates.


Research Interests


  • State building
  • Rebel Governance
  • Hybrid Statebuilding
  • Political Legitimacy


Relevant Publications and Works



Academic Work Experience


  • Research Assistant at Observer Research Foundation (2016)
  • Research Assistant at VIF (2017)
  • Helm’s Fellow at World Resources Institute (2018)

