12 October 2011

Washington DC Chapter – Alumni Reception

Over 30 Washington DC area alumni met at the home of Luc Everaert (PhD, International Economics, 1987) and Caroline Goldie on Tuesday evening, September 20.

Notable visitors included Institute Director Philippe Burrin, former IMF head of Research and Institute visiting professor Michael Mussa, retired Professors Alexandre Swoboda and Hans Genberg (now with the IMF).

We were able to welcome four newcomers to the chapter, two of whom, Jean-Marc Natal (DES, International Economics, 1994 and PhD, International Economics, 2003) and Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli (PhD, International Economics, 2006), just joined the IMF from the Swiss National Bank. Lucas Neece (Master in International Affairs (MIA), 2010) is freelancing in teaching negotiation skills and Oreste Andrade (who just got his MIA the week before) has joined the World Bank in environmental work.

Paul Mathieu presented chapter news including the successful raising of $9,100 for the 3rd annual chapter scholarship, with additional backing from the FERIS foundation. He also reported back on his trip to Geneva the week before to participate in the Alumni Association committee meeting. He was greatly impressed by the progress made on Alumni affairs at the Institute. New Association statutes and a new committee representative of world-wide alumni, of which there are now some 12,000, marks a very important step forward.

Professor Philippe Burrin gave an overview of recent developments with the Institute, including the two new buildings under construction and the new fundraising outreach to alumni. He saluted the Washington chapter’s leadership role in the new alumni relations and thanked the chapter for its scholarship effort. A new foundation “Friends of the Graduate Institute” has recently been created in New York that will help support alumni fundraising efforts in the USA.

It was wonderful time. Thanks Luc and Caroline!

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