29 June 2011

Washington DC Alumni Chapter Scholarship

Seamus Taggart awarded the 2010 Washington DC Alumni Chapter Scholarship.

He is final year PhD student in the International History and Politics Unit at the Graduate Institute.

“I am extremely honoured to have been chosen for this scholarship”, Seamus Taggart said “This will allow him me complete the essential task of accessing archives such as the Farnesina; Archivio Centrale dello Stato; ENI, Fondazione Enrico Mattei; Fiat and others in Italy.” It will also allow him the possibility to complete research in the US State Department archives, investigating US influence on Italian actions, he said.

Seamus Taggart holds a BA, from Trinity College Dublin and an MA from SAIS Johns Hopkins University. His supervisor at the Institute is Professor Lanxin Xiang. His thesis deals with Italian Relations with China 1949-92.

For further information on the current Washington DC Alumni Chapter scholarship drive please contact Paul Mathieu at