17 June 2015

Updating Global Rules on Trade

Christophe Bellmann (Master in International Relations ’94) is Programmes Director at the ICTSD.

Christophe Bellmann (Master in International Relations ’94) is Programmes Director at the ICTSD.

Bellmann joined the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development as Programme Officer for Outreach and Partnership in 1998. He was subsequently Director of Policy Dialogues, before becoming Programmes Director in 2002. In his current role, he is responsible for fundraising, management and overall supervision of ICTSD’s research, dialogue and capacity-building programmes in Geneva and the surrounding regions.

Previously, Bellmann worked for the Swiss Coalition of Development Organisations (SCDO, Alliance Sud), a platform used by six leading development organisations to advocate for policies in their fields. He was responsible for activities on multilateral trade and sustainable development issues. Meanwhile, he produced several papers and articles relating, among other topics, to public participation in the WTO, possible multilateral disciplines on foreign direct investment, trade preferences for developing countries, agriculture trade reform and trade-related technical assistance. Bellmann has also worked as a Research Associate at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Santiago, Chile, looking at the relationship between trade and the environment. He has edited and published a wide range of books, articles and opinion pieces in English, French and Spanish on trade and sustainable development.

Bellmann holds a Master in International Relations from the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies, Geneva.

Photo: Christophe Bellmann (left) with Joost Pauwelyn, Professor of International Law, Graduate Institute, during an international trade law dispute at the WTO, 30.01.2015.