21 September 2016

Toronto and Montreal receptions

The Institute continues to work to strengthen its links with its alumni community.

For the first time ever, Alumni based in Canada had the chance to get together to share stories from their days at the Institute, network with other professionals from a variety of fields and hear from the Director of the Institute, Professor Phillipe Burrin, about all the exciting changes taking place at the Institute over the past few years. Each event drew over 20 participants who ranged from recent graduates to less recent graduates across all disciplines. 

Alumni were excited about the potential of developing a formal network in Canada and future events in Montreal and Toronto (as well as Ottawa and Quebec City – which were suggested) and many have offered to volunteer their service in support of future events as part of ad hoc Canada Alumni Committee.  A number of alumni present at the events in Canada are also making plans to attend the reunion in Geneva in November.