Centre for finance and development
21 January 2016

Release Policy Options Paper: E15 Expert Group on Trade, Finance & Development

Today at Davos, the E15 Initiative launched their policy options papers. 

CFD director Prof. Jean-Louis Arcand as initiative's theme leader on finance and development contributed to the policy options paper "Options for Trade, Finance and Development: Getting the Institutions Right". 

This E15's working group "examines how trade and finance could be leveraged for sustainable development in poor economies, looking beyond traditional thinking with a consideration of country-and-sector-specific dynamics, and proposes long-term and innovative policy options for key development actors and the international community."

Click below for:

  • The policy options paper "Options for Trade, Finance and Development: Getting the Institutions Right"
  • A brief synthesis of the paper
  • The website with all launched policy option papers

Today at Davos, the E15 Initiative launched their policy options papers. 

CFD director Prof. Jean-Louis Arcand as initiative's theme leader on finance and development contributed to the policy options paper "Options for Trade, Finance and Development: Getting the Institutions Right". 

This E15's working group "examines how trade and finance could be leveraged for sustainable development in poor economies, looking beyond traditional thinking with a consideration of country-and-sector-specific dynamics, and proposes long-term and innovative policy options for key development actors and the international community."

Click below for: