17 October 2016

Portrait of a recent alumna

“The Graduate Institute provided me with the best environment possible to follow through with my research”

Claire Galloni d'Istria (Master in Development Studies '08 and PhD in Anthropology and Sociology of Development ‘16) has focused in implementing projects and providing technical advice to the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the European Commission and a range of nongovernmental organisations.

She completed her PhD thesis in September 2016, a paper based on an analysis of relevant international and European policies and on an ethnographic study. Her research focused on the underlying motives and mechanisms of socio-economic and political conflicts related to the environment in Western Europe.

“The Graduate Institute provided me with the best environment possible to follow through with my research” says Claire.

Meanwhile as part of the Geneva Consulting Network and in collaboration with PricewaterhouseCoopers, she designed three high level strategic goals for a non-profit organisation in Geneva. In addition, at the UNDP Small Grants Programme, she conducted technical reviews of relevant Global Environment Facility guidance documents, methodologies and toolkits.

International experience

After her field experience in Central America, she applied her knowledge at the global level. As part of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, she coordinated a member network in Brussels, where she worked closely with the European Commission and Member State Directors. At UNITAR in Geneva, she managed several projects related to the GHS Programme, especially with francophone African governments. Finally, she had the opportunity to evaluate an EU project on behalf of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (KFPE), based on public participation and alternative livelihood options regarding the stewardship of protected areas.

During the past years, she travelled from Central America to Europe, from Central Europe to the Near-East, and back to Geneva, where she relocated in March 2016.