Centre for finance and development
16 March 2016

Open Doctoral Fellowships at UNIGE

Call for applications for PhD Fellowships in development studies at UNIGE

Deadline: 30 April 2016

The Institute of Demography and Socio-economics  (I-DESO) at the University of Geneva is recruiting two doctoral students for the project "Water access via microcredit: A socio-economic analysis of ‘inclusive markets’ for the poor in the ‘South’” (WATSIN). The WATSIN project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

Under the direction of Prof. Solène Morvant-Roux, the doctoral fellow will produce a thesis in the field of Development studies. 

One fellowship is for candidates with excellent quantitative skills, the other one with experience in qualitative research. 

Detailed information for the quantitative doctoral fellowship can be found here. And here for the qualitative position. 

Applications can be submitted in English or French directly to