Centre for finance and development
17 August 2016

New working paper and Vox column by Prof. Panizza on foreign savings and development

New WP and Vox column by Prof. Panizza and co-authors on financing growth with foreign finance and the risks involved.  

New working paper: Can Countries Rely on Foreign Saving for Investment and Economic Development? by Ugo Panizza, Eduardo Cavallo, and Barry Eichengreen, IHEID Working Paper 07-2016.

And the Vox column to the paper: Foreign savings: No gain, some pain

Paper abstract: A surprisingly large number of countries have been able to finance a significant fraction of domestic investment using foreign finance for extended periods. While many of these episodes are in low-income countries where official finance is more important than private finance, we also identify a number of episodes where a substantial fraction of domestic investment was financed via private capital inflows. That said, we find that foreign savings are not a good substitute for domestic savings. More often than not, episodes of large and persistent current account deficits do not end happily. Rather, they end abruptly with compression of the current account, real exchange rate depreciation, and a sharp slowdown in investment. We conclude that financing growth and investment out of foreign savings, while not impossible, is risky.