05 November 2012

New Chapter in California

A diverse group of Institute community members will host social events and promote their alma mater.

The San Francisco Bay Area Alumni Chapter of the Graduate Institute was officially launched on 30 October 2012. The group brings together about 20 alumni who reside in the region. The chapter has a diverse group of alumni with nationalities that span the globe, graduation years that range from the 1970s up through this past September, and degrees that include history, law, public policy and other fields.

While we were all meeting for the first time, from the very beginning we engaged like old friends reuniting. Through humorous conversations about our studies, favourite professors and the final oral exam at the Graduate Institute, life in Geneva, life stories, US green card interviews, professional pursuits, family life and great love for the San Francisco Bay Area, we all connected and established bonds of friendship. The alumni also shared their excitement about the formation of our chapter and committed to actively participate in its events. Initially, the group plans to meet three to four times per year, engage in Swiss related cultural activities taking place in the region and support the Graduate Institute's recruiting efforts on the West Coast of the USA.

In addition, the chapter was honoured to welcome Dominic Eggel, a fellow alumni and representative at the Graduate Institute who was visiting San Francisco to attend an APSIA graduate school fair, to the inaugural cocktail reception. Dominic shared information on developments at the Graduate Institute and discussed how the chapter could aid in the Graduate Institute's recruitment efforts. Our tremendous thanks go to him and the Graduate Institute for kindly hosting our inaugural event!

The inaugural cocktail reception was well-attended and the constant laughter and camaraderie that defined the evening bodes well for the San Francisco Bay Area Alumni Chapter. The next meeting will be in January where we will partake one of Switzerland’s most famous national dishes: raclette.

Philippe Sion and Loytavian Harrell, co-chairs.