21 September 2016

New Chapter in Beijing

A 26th chapter has been created.

A new chapter was founded and officially recognised on 29 August 2016. Over 30 Alumni attended the inauguration ceremony and signing of the Statute on 26 July, hosted by Ambassador Jean-Jacques de Dardel (PhD in Political Science ‘80) at the Swiss Embassy in Beijing.

The Beijing Chapter will focus on organising a variety of events, ranging from academic presentations in cooperation with partner Universities of the Graduate Institute, professors and students, to monthly “Stammtisch” gatherings. Its goal is to foster an Alumni network that regularly exchanges ideas, and communicates various opportunities - academic or professional - to its members. 

Furthermore, the Beijing Chapter plans to offer guidance and advice to future students during the whole year and represent the Student body during Bi-annual Sino-Swiss student-events organised by the Science and Technology section of the Swiss Embassy in Beijing. It also aims to improve the Graduate Institute's visibility during promotional events in Beijing, in coordination with Swiss Higher Education partners.

The Chapter Committee comprises a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary and is looking forward to welcoming a wider community in the near future as well as cooperating with the Alumni Office in Geneva.