29 October 2014

Mexico Chapter Comes Together at Swiss Embassy

Two alumni shared their success story with the guests.

The Mexico Chapter of the Institute’s Alumni Association gathered for the fourth time in Mexico City on 17 October at a reception hosted by the Swiss Ambassador to Mexico, H.E. Louis-José Touron, a distinguished alumnus of the Institute. In his beautiful residence, Mr Touron and his family offered the Institute Alumni an exquisite selection of Swiss wines and delicacies.

Mr Touron spoke about the importance of the bilateral relationship between Mexico and Switzerland, while emphasising that the diplomatic link between the two nations will be commemorating its 70th anniversary next year. The Ambassador invited all Alumni to take part in the celebrations for this anniversary in 2015.

For Ambassador Touron, being an IHEID Alumnus kicked-off his diplomatic career and gave him the necessary tools to be a successful diplomat. Before being appointed to the Embassy in Mexico, he served as Swiss Ambassador to Sudan.

Manuel Sacal (Master in International Economics, ’90) shared with the guests his success story as a private banker in the United States. Mr Sacal, currently the founder and CEO of Plus International Bank, also spoke of how his Graduate Institute studies gave him the knowledge to help him achieve this success.

The Mexico Chapter welcomes the great response of the Institute’s Alumni in Mexico for this event, and is working on the organisation of further events.