17 December 2021

A Message of Gratitude

Dongcai Chen is pursuing his Master of International Law at the Graduate Institute. From Guangxi province, China, his desire is to further enrich his theoretical foundation and contemplate ways for enhancing the status quo of human rights and environmental protection in China. He received the Alumni Community Scholarship for 2020-2021. The Alumni Community Scholarship is a unique scholarship financed solely by the generous donations of Graduate Institute alumni.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generosity in funding the Alumni Scholarship and I am very honoured to be the recipient of this award. 

My first-year graduate life in the faculty of International Law ended in June, and this academic year has been richly rewarding. I have cherished the opportunity to study in this prestigious hall of international law. To improve myself here, I worked hard on my courses and took advantage of the academic resources.

One of the most inspiring aspects of studying international law was taking compulsory courses. As an example, Professor Marcelo Kohen discussed sovereignty, effectiveness, legality vs. legitimacy and other tenets of international law in Foundation of International Law. In exploring international law from a state-centred perspective, he taught me new systematic approaches and showed me new ways of thinking about it.

Interestingly, Professor Nico Kirsch emphasised a different sociological perspective in Transnational Law, focusing on how transnational actors, rather than states, construct and implement international law. My learning here has been best exemplified by these two courses.

My courses have given me a more systematic and fresh view of international law than ever before, and that is something that I enjoy every day. Additionally, to gain a deeper understanding of international law, I attended the Hague Academy of International Law’s Winter School after the first semester with my savings scholarship. Its reputation and prestige are endorsed in academia and diplomacy worldwide. I spent a month there on inspiring and intensive courses, which made my vacation meaningful and fulfilling.

In addition, I truly appreciate you for providing students with a variety of useful activities, both academic and practical. My experience attending the Geneva Roundtable Symposium, in which alumni shared their inspiring thoughts on hit issues under international law and global governance, has greatly benefited me.

Another impressive alumni roundtable is Inspire International Lawyers. A number of distinguished alumni of the International Law faculty provided career planning advice, which improved my understanding of my career path.  

Finally, I appreciate you again awarding me this honorable scholarship. In addition to lowering my financial burden, this has enabled me to focus more on learning, and the experience has also motivated me to strive to become a more distinguished and responsible alumnus in the future.

Your generosity has also inspired me to help others and give back to the community. Hopefully one day, I will be able to assist students in achieving their goals, just as you have done for me.

Contribute to the Alumni Community Scholarship or find more information.