30 May 2024

Meet MENA, the Middle East and North Africa Initiative

Hussein Ghandour, President of the student-led Middle East and North Africa Initiative (MENA) for the 2023-2024 academic year, introduces the initiative and discusses their activities. 

What is the Middle East and North Africa Initiative (MENA) and what are its objectives?

We are an initiative led by students from the MENA region at the Geneva Graduate Institute. We aim to share our vibrant cultures with fellow students and to engage on topics and issues that are important and relevant to us. But most importantly, we hope to create a space that we can call home for those of us who are far away from family and friends. 

What kind of activities and events does MENA organise? 

We organise events that aim to promote a more nuanced and authentic understanding of our region and its issues through film screenings, panel discussions, and round tables. We also organise events to celebrate our cultures, such as parties, food sales, language classes, dance workshops, and holiday celebrations.

Last but not least, we are active in student awareness and advocacy at the institute where we try to push for more inclusion for the marginalised peoples of our region. We always try to engage with the student body, direction, and administration in challenging false narratives about our region and adopting more egalitarian approaches and practices at the institute.

What stands out to you as something MENA has achieved, and how would you like to see MENA evolve? 

Over the past two years during which I have been part of MENA, our student community has grown and we managed to reach and touch a wider part of the student body. Through our engagement, we are shaping the Graduate Institute community into a more diverse and inclusive environment and are committed to doing so in the future. One particular achievement that stands out to me is the solidarity statement with Gaza and the Palestinian people that we managed to rally the majority of the student body behind, which was officially released on the 18th of October, 2023.

In the future, I would like to see MENA become even more influential and be seen as a partner in academic and student affairs related to the MENA region here at the Institute.


Keep Up with MENA


All MENA events are open to the Graduate Institute community. Some MENA events are in collaboration with student associations at UNIGE are also open to UNIGE students. Finally, certain events that are organised at the Ivan Pictet Auditorium are open to the general public. To stay tuned about all MENA events, MENA invites you to follow their Instagram page @menainitiative_iheid and write to to get in touch!